DOM IT Usage Policies

  1. Maximum free storage per DOM PI is 250 GB
  2. Charge structure for additional data storage: $3/GB/y for DOM members and $9/GB/y for others.
  3. BU offers 250 GB free storage for faculty and staff with charges assessed for additional space. For further information contact BU IT. The following caveats apply:
    1. The data are not backed up. In the event of server failure, data will be lost.
    2. Analysis of data stored in the system requires data download to an accessible drive.
  4. Dropbox offers 50 GB of free storage with additional storage available for $99/TB/y.
  5. FISMA, ITAR and HIPAA compliant storage is available to DOM members for $3,000/yr/10 users.
  6. After one year of non-access, data will be moved to slow-access Cloud storage. Access to this system is through the same portal but slower.
  7. Criteria to discard unused data:
    1. Upon departure of faculty member
    2. Upon request
    3. After 5 yr : data that has not been accessed will cost $1.50/GB/yr.
    4. After no response to queries for six months.

See also “Accessing DOM Central Computing Resources” website for further information.