L-11 Testing Center

L-11 Testing Center Policy

L-11 Testing Center (LTC) Policies and Procedures

The L-11 Testing Center on the 11th floor of the Instructional Building seats up to 220 students and is used by the Schools of Medicine (and its Division of Graduate Medical Sciences), Public Health, and Dental Medicine throughout the academic year. To ensure comfort and security, students are expected to abide by the following policies and procedures during examinations.

Noise in the LTC, Hallway, and Elevator Lobby area

Once the exam begins, there are to be no student-to-student conversations. This no-talking policy is in effect in the LTC, the L-11 restrooms, the hallways on L-11, and the L-11 elevator lobby area.

Students may bring the following items into the testing center:

  • Soft-foam earplugs. Ear plugs must be left at the workstation during all breaks
  • BU Student ID & pocket wallet
  • Laptop computer, power supply & mouse
  • Erasers
  • Pencils
  • Water, in a clear water bottle with no labels or stickers

Students may not have the following items on their person, at their seat, or in the testing facility:

  • Electronic devices that can transmit, store, or receive information including but not limited to cellular phones, pagers, cameras, video recorders, iPads, iPods, electronic organizers, or other wearable technology (e.g., Google glasses, etc.)
  • Watches and digital wristwear of any kind, e.g., Apple watches, Fitbits, non-electronic watches
  • Outerwear, such as coats, jackets, head wear, gloves. Students must remove any hats or hoods except for religious or cultural head attire (e.g., turban, hijab, and yarmulke)
  • Book/computer bags, computer sleeves, backpacks, handbags, briefcases, and purses
  • Books, pens, notes, written materials, or scratch paper other than that provided
  • Drinks (other than water in a clear water bottle with no labels or stickers), food, candy, or gum. If informed prior to the exam, the head proctor may allow cough drops or other comfort measures for a student who is ill.

Storage of these personal items in the hallways or on the LTC floor is not allowed (fire hazard).

These restrictions exclude necessary medical devices, which are permitted in the testing facility.


Only third-year students, who do not have lockers or an alternative storage location must leave their bags, liquid containers (with screw-on, leak-proof tops and identification), and other personal items in L-1102 (the Vending/Coffee Lounge).

  • Do not place stored items on the tables/chairs/workspaces in L-1102.
  • Discard all other liquid containers in the hallway trash receptacle.
  • Wireless devices (e.g., cellphones) left in L-1102 must be powered off or placed in airplane mode.
  • L-1102 is not a secured space and the LTC takes no responsibility for personal items left there.

Technical Difficulties: What to do.

  • For ExamSoft exams: Ed Media technical staff will provide technical support in the L-1102 lounge. Students should quietly unplug their computer, inform a proctor, and bring their computer to the lounge for troubleshooting.
  • For NBME-Shelf exams: Students who experience technical difficulties during the exam must raise their hand and inform a proctor. Library and/or IT technical staff will provide support in the exam area; proctors can get staff assistance when needed.

Restroom use

A student who needs to use the restroom must raise their hand and inform a proctor, unless another system for bathroom use is in place.

  • Only one person will be allowed out of the testing room at a time.
  • Students are not allowed to form a line waiting for restroom availability.

Departure and Reentry

As soon as they complete their examination, students should quietly exit the 11th floor via the elevators or stairway located at the Evans-Building (north) end of the hallway.

Students may not reenter the LTC for the duration of the examination once they have completed their test session and departed from the exam space.

Approved by the Medical Education Committee (MEC) on November 9, 2017
Revised by the MEC on June 13, 2019 and November 16, 2023