Assessing the Diversity Climate Survey Data

Earlier this year nearly 1,400 BU Medical Campus (BUMC) students, faculty and staff completed the survey Assessing the Diversity Climate. The survey data has been further analyzed and the data is below.

The Medical Campus is a richly diverse environment in which mutual respect and inclusion are guiding principles. The survey highlights the strides that have been made regarding inclusivity, and provides opportunities for improvement in our pursuit of excellence. Previously, it was shared that most incidents of discrimination and bias on our campus are related either to gender or race.

The following are key findings from further analysis. Of survey respondents:

  • 36% report having been insulted in their day-to-day lives at some point, with the most common reason being gender. Of this group, more than a quarter responded such Medical Campus experiences most commonly by supervisors, peers, and coworkers.
  • 33% indicated that they had been threatened or harassed in their day-to-day lives at some point. Of these, 59% reported gender related incidents, while 18% were race related. Approximately 35% of respondents indicated such incidents at BUMC.
  • 80% ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ that BU treats employees and students with respect.
  • 81% ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ that “I feel a sense of acceptance and belonging at BU…”
  • 60% ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ that “I am satisfied with the culture or experience of diversity and inclusion at BU…”
  • 44% ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ that “It is safe and easy to report bias at BU, while 21% ‘strongly disagree’ or ‘disagree.’
  • 51% ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ that “I feel that sexism is not a significant problem at BU…”, while 26% ‘strongly disagree’ or ‘disagree.’

The result show some progress has been made on the Medical Campus, but it also identified areas for improvement. A commitment on the part of all stakeholders (administrators, faculty members, students, and staff) will ensure that the present-day challenges can be transformed into future areas of strength. Constant vigilance is needed to guarantee that all individuals, without exception, are included and treated with respect. Thank you again for your participation in this important exercise.


  1. If you experience or witness bias or discrimination, please report it.
  2. Consider interrupting a biased encounter in the moment with a comment such as “I don’t think that’s fair, appropriate, etc.”
  3. The University offers a broad range of resources to address incidents of inappropriate behavior, including EthicsPoint, the Office of the Ombuds, the Appropriate Treatment in Medicine Committee and the various Dean’s Offices of the respective schools.

Please see the reporting unprofessional behavior website for more information.