Outpatient Training

In addition to the 2 months of dedicated outpatient experience through the Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) Pulmonary Acute Care Clinic (PACC), trainees will have their individual continuity clinics at Boston Medical Center (BMC), comprising one half-day session per week. Trainees will staff patients longitudinally with a faculty preceptor who will also serve as a coach and advisor over the three years of fellowship training. During the first year, trainees will also gain experiencing rotating through 2 core subspecialty clinics consisting of Tuberculosis clinic and Sleep clinic, both at BMC. During the second year, trainees will also maintain a continuity clinic at the VAMC, comprising one half-day session every other week. Lastly, during the third year, trainees will have the option of rotating through other subspecialty clinics including thoracic oncology, pulmonary hypertension, interstitial lung disease, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and amyloidosis.

Core Outpatient Clinic Experiences

Optional Outpatient Clinic Experiences