Contact Us
Mailing Address:
Boston University Medical Campus
Housing Resources
72 East Concord St., B401
Boston, MA 02118-2526
Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Holiday Schedule
Phone: 617-358-6550
We’re here to help! With LiveChat you can get one-on-one assistance with your medical campus financial aid and housing resource questions without needing to call or visit our office.
To speak with an SFS staff member, simply tell BUzz that you want to “Speak with a Representative” in the bottom right corner of our website during LiveChat hours. LiveChat is currently available on the following days and times:
- Wednesdays – 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
- Thursdays – 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
MAP and DIRECTIONS from within the Boston University Medical Campus building:
- Enter the School of Medicine lobby.
- Take an immediate right after you pass the Public Safety station.
- Continue down the corridor into the Evans Building then turn left at the end of the hall.
- You will see two silver elevators on your right. Pass this set of elevators.
- Next you will see a set of three elevators on the right. Take these elevators to the 4th floor.
- Turn right when exiting the elevator, then continue straight through the doorway that says “Neurosurgery.”
- At the end of the corridor, turn left.
- Our suite is located on the right side of the corridor in Room 401.
BU Off-Campus Services provide periodic virtual Q&A sessions on their Facebook page