Principal Investigator
Key Personnel
Howard Libman, MD
Project Manager
Carly Bridden, MA, MPH
Data from this study are available from our URBAN ARCH Repository.
Fuster D, Cheng DM, Quinn EK, Nunes D, Saitz R, Samet JH, Tsui JI. Chronic hepatitis C virus infection is associated with all-cause and liver-related mortality in a cohort of HIV-infected patients with alcohol problems. Addiction. 2014;109(1):62-70. PMCID: PMC3947001
Fuster D, Cheng DM, Quinn EK, Armah KA, Saitz R, Freiberg MS, Samet JH, Tsui JI. Inflammatory cytokines and mortality in a cohort of HIV-infected adults with alcohol problems. AIDS. 2014;28(7):1059-64.
Armah KA, Quinn EK, Cheng DM, Tracy RP, Baker JV, Samet JH, Freiberg MS. Human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis C, and inflammatory biomarkers in individuals with alcohol problems: a cross-sectional study. BMC Infect Dis. 2013 Aug 29;13(1):399. PMCID: PMC3848623
Fuster D, Tsui JI, Cheng DM, Quinn EK, Armah KA, Nunes D, Freiberg MS, Samet JH. Interleukin-6 is associated with noninvasive markers of liver fibrosis in HIV-infected patients with alcohol problems. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2013;29(8):1110-6. PMCID: PMC3715787
Fuster D, Tsui JI, Cheng DM, Quinn EK, Bridden C, Nunes D, Libman H, Saitz R, Samet JH. Impact of lifetime alcohol use on liver fibrosis in a population of HIV-infected patients with and without hepatitis coinfection. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013;37(9):1527-35. PMCID: PMC3758457
Tsui JI, Cheng DM, Libman H, Bridden C, Saitz R, Samet JH. Risky Alcohol Use and Serum Aminotransferase Levels in HIV-infected Adults With and Without Hepatitis C Virus Infection. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2013;74(2):266-70. PMCID: PMC3568165
Judith I. Tsui, Debbie M. Cheng, Howard Libman, Carly Bridden, Jeffrey Samet. Hepatitis C virus infection is associated with painful symptoms in HIV-infected adults. AIDS Care. 2012;24(7):820-7. PMCID: PMC3370099
Orwat J, Samet JH, Tompkins CP, Cheng DM, Dentato MP, Saitz R. Factors associated with attendance in 12-step groups (Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous) among adults with alcohol problems living with HIV/AIDS. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011 Jan 15;113(2-3):165-71. PMCID: PMC3603575
Kabali C, Cheng DM, Brooks D, Bridden C, Horsburgh Jr. R, Samet JH. Recent cigarette smoking and HIV disease progression: no evidence of an association. AIDS Care 2011:23(8):947-956. PMCID: PMC3139713
Ireland J, Cheng DM, Samet JH, Bridden C, Quinn E, Saitz R. Operating characteristics of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) for identifying unhealthy alcohol use in adults with HIV Infection. AIDS Care 2011; 23: 1483-1491. PMCID: PMC3193857
Orwat J, Saitz R, Tompkins CP, Cheng DM, Dentato MP, Samet JH. Substance abuse treatment utilization among adults living with HIV/AIDS and alcohol or drug problems. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2011 Oct;41(3):233-42. PMCID: PMC3634563
Bertholet N, Cheng DM, Samet JH, Quinn E, Saitz R. Alcohol consumption patterns in HIV-infected adults with alcohol problems. Drug Alc Depend. 2010. 112:160-163. PMCID: PMC2967629
Walley AY, Cheng DM, Libman H, Nunes DP, Saitz R, Faber V, Samet JH. Recent drug use, homelessness and increased short-term mortality in HIV-infected persons with alcohol problems. AIDS. 2008; 22:415-420. PMCID: PMC2247409
Sullivan LE, Saitz R, Cheng DM, Libman H, Nunes D, Samet JH. The impact of alcohol use on depressive symptoms in HIV-infected patients. Addiction. 2008; 103:1461-1467. PMCID: PMC2661114.
Campos NG, Salomon JA, Servoss JC, Nunes DP, Samet JH, Freedberg KA, Goldie SJ. Cost-effectiveness of treatment for Hepatitis C in an urban cohort co-infected with HIV. Am J Med. 2007; 120:272-279.
Freiberg MS, Cheng DM, Kraemer KL, Saitz R, Kuller LH, Samet JH. The association between hepatitis C infection and prevalent cardiovascular disease among HIV-infected individuals. AIDS. 2007; 21:193-197. PMCID: PMC1805683
Cheng DM, Nunes D, Libman H, Vidaver J, Alperen JK, Saitz R, Samet JH. The impact of hepatitis C on HIV progression in adults with alcohol problems. Alc Clin Exp Res. 2007; 31:829-836. PMCID: PMC2048686
Tsui J, Saitz R, Cheng DM, Nunes D, Libman H, Alperen JK, Samet JH. Awareness of hepatitis C diagnosis is associated with less alcohol use among persons co-infected with HIV. J Gen Intern Med. 2007; 22:822-825. PMCID: PMC2048689
Samet JH, Cheng DM, Libman H, Nunes DP, Alperen JK, Saitz R. Alcohol consumption and HIV disease progression. J AIDS. 2007; 46:194-199. PMCID: PMC2247363
Kim TW, Palepu A, Cheng DM, Libman H, Saitz R, Samet JH. Factors associated with discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients with alcohol problems. AIDS Care. 2007;19:1039-1047.PMCID: PMC2579777
Finucane MM, Samet JH, Horton NJ. Translational methods in biostatistics: linear mixed effect regression models of alcohol consumption and HIV disease progression over time. Epidemiologic Perspectives Innovations. 2007; 4:8. PMCID: PMC2147003
Libman H, Saitz R, Nunes D, Cheng D, Richardson JM, Vidaver J, Alperen JK, Samet JH. Hepatitis C infection is associated with more depressive symptoms in HIV-infected adults with a history of alcohol problems. Am J Gastro. 2006;101:1804-1810. PMCID: PMC1592346
Nunes DP, Saitz R, Libman H, Cheng DM, Vidaver J, Samet JH. Barriers to treatment of Hepatitis C in HIV/HCV-coinfected adults with alcohol problems. Alc Clin Exp Res. 2006; 30:1520-1526. PMCID: PMC1592345
Palepu A, Cheng DM, Kim TW, Nunes D, Vidaver J, Alperen JK, Saitz R, Samet JH. Substance abuse treatment and receipt of liver specialty care among persons coinfected with HIV/HCV who have alcohol problems. J Substance Abuse Treat. 2006; 31:411-417. PMCID: PMC1995458
Cheng DM, Libman H, Bridden C, Saitz R, Samet JH. Alcohol consumption and lipodystrophy in HIV-infected adults with alcohol problems. Alcohol. 2009; 43:65-71. PMCID: PMC2635495