Principal Investigator

Jeffrey Samet, MD, MA, MPH

Key Personnel

Debbie Cheng, ScD

Ken Freedberg, MD, MSc

Nick Horton, PhD

Suzette Levenson, MPH

Richard Saitz, MD, MPH


Chuang CH, Liebschutz JM, Cheng DM, Raj A, Samet JH.  Substance use during sexual and physical assault in HIV-infected persons. Violence Vict. 2007; 22:216-225. PMCID: PMC1949020

Kim TW, Kertesz SG, Horton NJ, Tibbetts N, Samet JH.  Episodic homelessness and health care utilization in a prospective cohort of HIV-infected persons with alcohol problems. BMC Health Services Research. 2006; 6:1-10. PMCID: PMC1421395

Paasche-Orlow MK, Cheng DM, Palepu A, Meli S, Faber V, Samet JH.  Health literacy and HIV-RNA suppression: a longitudinal perspective. J Gen Intern Med. 2006; 21:835-840. PMCID: PMC1831568

Smith KL, Horton NJ, Saitz R, Samet JH.  Use of mini-mental state examination in recruitment for substance abuse research studies. Drug Alc Depend. 2006; 82:231-237.

Chuang CH, Liebschutz JM, Horton NJ, Samet JH.  Association of violence victimization with unsafe condom use in HIV-infected persons. AIDS and Behavior. 2006; 10:201-207.

Raj A, Cheng DM, Levison R, Meli S, Samet JH.  Sex trade, sexual risk and non-disclosure of HIV serostatus: findings from HIV-infected persons with a history of alcohol problems. AIDS and Behavior. 2006; 10:149-157.

Krupitsky E, Horton N, Williams E, Lioznov D, Kuznetsova M, Zvartau E, Samet JH.  Alcohol use and HIV risk behaviors among HIV-infected hospitalized patients in St. Petersburg, Russia. Drug Alc Depend. 2005; 79:251-256. PMCID: PMC1360173

Liebschutz JM, Geier J, Horton NJ, Chuang CH, Samet JH.  Physical and sexual violence and health care utilization in HIV-infected persons with alcohol problems. AIDS Care. 2005; 17:566-578.

Palepu A, Horton NJ, Tibbetts N, Meli S, Samet JH.  Substance abuse treatment and hospitalization among a cohort of HIV-infected persons with alcohol problems. Alc Clin Exp Res. 2005; 29:389-394.

Palepu A, Raj A, Horton NJ, Tibbetts N, Meli S, Samet JH.  Substance abuse treatment and risk behaviors among HIV-infected persons with alcohol problems. J Substance Abuse Treat. 2005; 28:3-9.

Samet JH, Horton NJ, Meli S, Dukes K, Tripp T, Sullivan L, Freedberg KA.  A randomized controlled trial to enhance antiretroviral therapy adherence in patients with a history of alcohol problems. Antiviral Therapy. 2005; 10:83-93.

Samet JH, Phillips SJ, Horton NJ, Traphagen ET, Freedberg KA. Detecting alcohol problems in HIV-infected patients: use of the CAGE questionnaire. AIDS Res Human Retrovir. 2004; 20:151-155.

Samet JH, Horton NJ, Meli S, Freedberg KA, Palepu A.  Alcohol consumption and antiretroviral adherence among HIV-infected persons with alcohol problems. Alc Clin Exp Res. 2004; 28:572-577.

Palepu A, Horton NJ, Tibbetts N, Meli S, Samet JH.  Uptake and adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected persons with alcohol problems: the impact of substance abuse treatment. Addiction 2004; 99:361-368.

Krupitsky E, Zvartau E, Karandashova G, Horton NJ, Schoolwerth KR, Bryant K, Samet JH.  The onset of HIV infection in the Leningrad region of Russia: a focus on drug and alcohol dependence. HIV Med. 2004; 5:30-33.

Ehrenstein V, Horton NJ, Samet JH.  Inconsistent condom use among HIV-infected patients with alcohol problems. Drug Alc Depend. 2004; 73:159-166.

Palepu A, Horton NJ, Tibbetts N, Dukes K, Meli S, Samet JH.  Substance abuse treatment and emergency department utilization among a cohort of HIV-infected persons with alcohol problems. J Substance Abuse Treat. 2003; 25:37-42.

Samet JH, Horton NJ, Traphagen E, Lyon S, Freedberg K.  Alcohol consumption and HIV disease progression: are they related? Alc Clin Exp Res. 2003; 27:862-867.

Samet JH, Sullivan LM, Traphagen ET, Ickovics JR.  Measuring adherence among HIV-infected persons: is MEMS consummate technology? AIDS and Behavior. 2001; 5:21-29.