HELP Study
Principal Investigators
NIAAA: Richard Saitz, MD, MPH
NIDA: Jeffrey Samet, MD, MA, MPH
Key Personnel
Saitz R, Horton NJ, Larson MJ, Winter M, Samet JH. Primary medical care and reductions in addiction severity: a prospective cohort study. Addiction. 2005; 100;70-78.
Shanahan CW, Lincoln A, Horton NJ, Saitz R, Winter M, Samet JH. Relationship of Depressive Symptoms and Mental Health to Repeat Detoxification. J. Sub Abuse Treatment. 2005; 29;117-123.
DeAlba I, Samet JH, Saitz R. Burden of medical illness in drug- and alcohol- dependent persons without primary care. Am J Addictions. 2004; 13:33-45.
Sweeney LP, Samet JH, Larson MJ, Saitz R. Establishment of a multidisciplinary health evaluation and linkage to primary care (HELP) clinic in a detoxification unit. J Addict Dis. 2004; 23:33-45.
Saitz R, Larson MJ, Horton NJ, Winter M, Samet JH. Linkage with primary medical care in a prospective cohort of adults with addictions in inpatient detoxification: room for improvement. Health Services Res. 2004; 39:587-606. PMCID: PMC1361026
Wines JD, Saitz R, Horton NJ, Lloyd-Travaglini C, Samet JH. Suicidal behavior, drug use, and depressive symptoms after detoxification: A two year prospective study. Drug Alc Depend. 2004; 76:S21-S29.
Samet JH, Larson MJ, Horton NJ, Doyle K, Winter M, Saitz R. Linking alcohol and drug dependent adults to primary medical care: a randomized controlled trial of a multidisciplinary health intervention in a detoxification unit. Addiction. 2003; 98:509-516.
Liebschutz JM, Finley E, Braslins P, Christiansen D, Horton NJ, Samet JH. Screening for sexually transmitted infections in substance abuse treatment programs. Drug Alc Depend. 2003; 70:93-99.
Rees V, Horton N, Hingson R, Saitz R, Samet JH. Injury among detoxification patients: alcohol users’ greater risk. Alc Clin Exp Res. 2002; 26:212-217.
Saitz R, Friedmann PD, Sullivan LM, Winter MR, Lloyd-Travaglini C, Moskowitz MA, Samet JH.Professional satisfaction experienced when caring for substance-abusing patients: faculty and resident physician perspectives. J Gen Intern Med. 2002; 17:373-376. PMCID: PMC1495049
Liebschutz JM, Savetsky JB, Saitz R, Horton N, Lloyd-Travaglini C, Samet JH. The relationship between sexual and physical abuse and substance abuse consequences. J Substance Abuse Treat. 2002; 22:121-128.
Samet JH, Friedmann R, Saitz R. Benefits of linking primary medical care and substance abuse services: patient, provider, and societal perspectives. Arch Intern Med. 2001; 161:85-91.
Samet JH. Engaging the HIV-infected substance abuser–the classic academic approach to changing clinical practice: excruciatingly slow, extraneous, and/or effective? Med Gen Med. March 30, 2001.
Friedmann R, Saitz R, Samet JH. Management of adults recovering from alcohol or other drug problems: relapse prevention in primary care. JAMA. 1998; 279:1227-1231.
Saitz R, Mulvey KP, Samet JH. The substance-abusing patient and primary care: linkage via the addiction treatment system? Substance Abuse. 1997; 18:187-195.