Eligibility and Application Requirements
Applications for Cohort 13 (2024-2026) are closed.
Applications for Cohort 14 (2025-2027) will be TBD early September 2025.
Scholars Apply Here [Closed]
Mentors Apply Here [Closed]
If Scholar applicants are unable to locate a suitable mentor to apply with at their institution, please contact jules.canfield@bmc.org and the RAMS program team would be happy to explore potential mentoring options.
Scholar Candidates Must:

- Be an Addiction Medicine or Addiction Psychiatry Fellow in a 1- or 2-year program (or equivalent) with a research component. If you are a fellow in a 1-year program, please describe in your application what your plans are post-fellowship, as RAMS is a 2-year program.
- Expect to spend a significant amount of time pursuing clinical research during the course of the RAMS Program
- Be able to participate in the entire 2-year program
- Attend with an institutional mentor, who completes a Faculty Mentor Application
- Complete a RAM Scholar Application, including a personal statement of motivation and goals, brief description of a possible research project, diversity statement, curriculum vitae (CV), and a letter of nomination from your Fellowship Director. *Note: If your Fellowship Director is also your faculty mentor, only one letter is needed.*
Mentor Candidates Must:

- Be a Program Director, or core fellowship or addiction program faculty
- Have a fellow who has applied to the RAMS Program
- Be able to assist with the advisement, development, and implementation of the research project
- Be able to participate in the entire 2-year program, including the diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) component
- Complete a RAMS Mentor Application, including a CV/biosketch and mentoring statement
For further information, please contact:
Jules Canfield, MPH | Senior Program Manager | 801 Massachusetts Ave, 2nd floor
Boston, MA 02118 | 617.414.6905 (P) | 617.414.4676 (F)