Pivot Funding Database
What is Pivot?
Boston University’s membership to PIVOT, (formerly Community of Science), provides researchers and administrators with a comprehensive, user-friendly database of funding sources and opportunities as well as an expertise database to help users identify potential collaborators within BU and around the world. This website also allows users to set up automated customized funding alerts based on keywords and areas of interest.
Get started – create your account
To use the services provided by the Pivot subscription you will need to create your own Pivot account using your BU email address – this is a quick and easy process:
- Go to http://pivot.proquest.com/funding_main
- Click on “Sign up” in the upper right hand corner
- Fill in the open fields and click “create my account”
- Open the confirmation email from Pivot
- Click on the link to authenticate your Pivot account.
Once you have a Pivot account you can start using the advanced search function, save your keyword-based searches and receive targeted email alerts.
Key Resources
- Admin Onboarding Toolkit
- Pivot Brochure
- Pivot and Papers Invited
- Pivot Promo Video
- Pivot Claim Your Profile Bookmark
- Pivot Quick Start Guide 2019 (PDF)
- Pivot Start Guide (2 pages PDF)
- Pivot Start Guide – customizable (2 pages DOC)
- Pivot Start Guide and Search Tips (25 pages PDF)
- Pivot Start Guide and Search Tips – Customizable (25 pages Doc)
- Pivot Makes Claiming Your Profiles Easier! – Toolkit
- LibGuides
For questions or feedback contact us at adrbumc@bu.edu