Array Services

The AIC provides real-time RNA and DNA quantification services using qPCR

Pathway PCR arrays allow for the analysis of 84 genes (x 4 sample replicates + housekeeping genes) in one 384-well PCR plate to determine the expression profile of a set of genes relevant to a disease or pathway. There are over 100 cataloged arrays in available for human, rat, and mouse lines. If you have a list of targeted genes we can also provide custom arrays for the analysis of 60 to 384 genes of interest specific to your analysis.

Download our Array Service Booklet  for more information about our service!

A list of the most popular PCR Arrays can be found below along with general pricing for this service. Please contact Matthew Au if you have any further questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss your research project and goals.

Over 150 Signaling Pathways & Diseases

Array Outline

Most Popular PCR Arrays: (Please specify human, rat, or mouse)

Inflammatory cytokines and receptors
Extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules
Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
Oxidative stress and antioxidant defense
Wnt signaling pathway
Signal transduction pathway finder
Cell cycle
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)
Stress and toxicity pathway finder
Lipoprotein signaling and cholesterol metabolism

Basic Service: Purified cDNA supplied to AIC

  • AIC will plate your cDNA samples and analyze them on one of our three qPCR instruments
  • Includes the cost of labor, instrument usage and consumables
  • Does not the cost of MasterMix and/or assay plates which will be determined separately

Internal Rate: $139 per plate
External Rate: $235.72 per plate*

*Total Costs are also subject to a 15% Administrative Fee

Full Service: RNA extraction, purification, and cDNA synthesis

  • AIC will extract and purify the RNA samples that you provide
  • AIC will synthesize the cDNA using the purified RNA
  • AIC will plate your cDNA samples and analyze them on one of our three qPCR instruments*

Internal Rate: $399 per plate (Includes 4 samples)
External Rate: $604.92 per plate (Includes 4 samples)**

*Does not include the cost of MasterMix and/or Assay Plates, which will determined separately

*Total Costs are also subject to a 15% Administrative Fee

Research Services Agreement

The Analytical Instrumentation Core requires that all experiments conducted adhere to IBC measures. Additionally, both parties read and sign the Research Services Agreement  which outlines the terms and conditions upon which the Core User and BU-AIC core engage to conduct the study.

How to Schedule

Please login to iLab system to schedule equipment time or services. For new users please follow the steps outlined in Information for New Users.


For further information on our Analytical Services or to schedule a meeting to develop a project, please contact:

Matthew Au
Associate Director of the AIC
AIC Lab Manager
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
650 Albany Street, Room 830
Boston MA 02118
(617) 358-6363 |

Lynn Deng
Director of Analytical Instrumentation Core
650 Albany Street, Room 848
Boston MA 02118
(617) 358-6516 |


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