Vasan S. Ramachandran, MD

Adjunct Professor, Medicine

Vasan Ramachandran
72 E. Concord Street


Vasan S. Ramachandran, M.D., Principal Investigator and Director of the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), and Principal Investigator of the Risk Underlying Rural Areas Longitudinal Study (RURAL).

Dr. Ramachandran is an Adjunct Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at BUSM/BUSPH, and Dean of the University of Texas School of Public Health San Antonio. He is a trained cardiologist with subspecialty training in echocardiography. He is a fellow of the AHA Councils on Epidemiology and Prevention and Functional Genomics and Translational Biology, and a fellow of the American College of Cardiology (ACC). Dr. Ramachandran has extensive experience in supervising trainees at many levels and has taught the foundational core course on Cardiovascular Epidemiology at BUSPH (EP751). He has several active R01 grants from the NHLBI/NIDDK/NIA, received two K24 Mid-Career Investigator mentoring grants from the NHLBI, and has mentored several K23 awardees. Overall, he has supervised over 75 trainees during the past 20 years (~40% women, 25% non-White); most are in key positions in academia. He received the Outstanding Mentor awards from the Department of Medicine, BUSM, and the AHA Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, the prestigious AHA Population Science Award in 2014 and the AHA Distinguished Scientist Award in 2021.

Importantly, Dr. Ramachandran’s own peer-reviewed funding spans thematic areas of genetics and genomics, cardiac and vascular remodeling, novel biomarkers, systems biology including proteomics and metabolomics, microbiome, and stem cell biology. He has a 25-year history in research in cardiovascular epidemiology, including the two years he trained as a FHS fellow (1993-1995). He established the first School of Public Health in Kerala, India, between 1996-1998, serving as its inaugural director and the coordinator of its MPH program. He is the founding member and leader of the international EchoGen consortium, and chairs the Steering Committee of the Chronic Kidney Disease Biomarker Consortium funded by the NIDDK (U01DK085689). He is recognized internationally for translational research in cardiovascular epidemiology and lectures regularly at the AHA early career session on “how to develop a career in translational research and epidemiology/genetics.” He is a Trained Mentor and has been been a past member of the NIH Cardiovascular and Sleep (CASE) SRG, and an active reviewer of grants for national and international funding agencies. He served for many years on the NHLBI panel for reviewing K23-K24-K25 career development grants. He served as an Associate Editor for Circulation, and the founding Editor-in-Chief of Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics. He directs the Center for Integrative Transdisciplinary Epidemiology within BUSM, that hosts multiple epidemiological datasets, including from multiple cohort studies, national surveys (NHANES), administrative databases and electronic health records; this center will be a valuable data source for trainees.

For the last 25 years, Dr. Ramachandran has focused his research on A) the genetic and non-genetic epidemiology of congestive heart failure, including identifying risk factors for the disease, characterizing the subgroups with diastolic heart failure, asymptomatic LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction, and evaluating the role of LV remodeling; B) population-based vascular testing and echocardiography, including identifying biological, environmental, and genetic determinants (correlates) of cardiac structure and function; normative standards; detailed assessment of biomarkers of the process of LV remodeling, including but not limited to role of natriuretic peptides, insulin resistance, cardiac extracellular matrix markers, oxidative stress, inflammation, growth factors; genetics of LV remodeling, LA and aortic structure and gene-environment interactions; brachial artery endothelial function, its correlates and tonometric assessment of large artery function; C) genetic and non-genetic epidemiology of high blood pressure, including characterizing the lifetime risk, rates of progression and risks associated with various degrees of elevation; large artery stiffness and function and role in systolic hypertension in the elderly; genetics of high blood pressure and large artery function; D) CVD risk estimation in the short, medium- and long-term, with novel biomarkers including genomic biomarkers; and E) rural health disparities via the RURAL cohort study.


  • All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), MD
  • All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), MBBS
  • All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), DM


  • Published on 6/6/2024

    Lau ES, Zhao Y, Benjamin EJ, Ramachandran VS, Xanthakis V, Cheng S, Ho JE. Sex Differences in Left Ventricular Function and Cardiac Mechanics. J Am Heart Assoc. 2024 Jun 18; 13(12):e035781. PMID: 38842280.

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  • Published on 5/17/2024

    Dubin RF, Deo R, Ren Y, Wang J, Pico AR, Mychaleckyj JC, Kozlitina J, Arthur V, Lee H, Shah A, Feldman H, Bansal N, Zelnick L, Rao P, Sukul N, Raj DS, Mehta R, Rosas SE, Bhat Z, Weir MR, He J, Chen J, Kansal M, Kimmel PL, Ramachandran VS, Waikar SS, Segal MR, Ganz P. Incident heart failure in chronic kidney disease: proteomics informs biology and risk stratification. Eur Heart J. 2024 May 17. PMID: 38757788.

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  • Published on 4/24/2024

    Li T, Grams ME, Inker LA, Chen J, Rhee EP, Warady BA, Levey AS, Denburg MR, Furth SL, Ramachandran VS, Kimmel PL, Coresh J. Consistency of metabolite associations with measured glomerular filtration rate in children and adults. Clin Kidney J. 2024 Jun; 17(6):sfae108. PMID: 38859934.

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  • Published on 11/17/2023

    Zhou JC, Zhao Y, Bello N, Benjamin EJ, Ramachandran VS, Levy D, Cheng S, Murabito JM, Ho JE, Lau ES. Infertility and Subclinical Antecedents of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction in the Framingham Heart Study. J Card Fail. 2024 Mar; 30(3):513-515. PMID: 37979670.

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  • Published on 10/31/2023

    Weber JE, Ahmadi M, Boldt LH, Eckardt KU, Edelmann F, Gerhardt H, Grittner U, Haubold K, Hübner N, Kollmus-Heege J, Landmesser U, Leistner DM, Mai K, Müller DN, Nolte CH, Pieske B, Piper SK, Rattan S, Rauch G, Schmidt S, Schmidt-Ott KM, Schönrath K, Schulz-Menger J, Schweizerhof O, Siegerink B, Spranger J, Ramachandran VS, Witzenrath M, Endres M, Pischon T. Protocol of the Berlin Long-term Observation of Vascular Events (BeLOVE): a prospective cohort study with deep phenotyping and long-term follow up of cardiovascular high-risk patients. BMJ Open. 2023 Oct 31; 13(10):e076415. PMID: 37907297.

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  • Published on 5/1/2023

    Westerman KE, Walker ME, Gaynor SM, Wessel J, DiCorpo D, Ma J, Alonso A, Aslibekyan S, Baldridge AS, Bertoni AG, Biggs ML, Brody JA, Chen YI, Dupuis J, Goodarzi MO, Guo X, Hasbani NR, Heath A, Hidalgo B, Irvin MR, Johnson WC, Kalyani RR, Lange L, Lemaitre RN, Liu CT, Liu S, Moon JY, Nassir R, Pankow JS, Pettinger M, Raffield LM, Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Selvin E, Senn MK, Shadyab AH, Smith AV, Smith NL, Steffen L, Talegakwar S, Taylor KD, de Vries PS, Wilson JG, Wood AC, Yanek LR, Yao J, Zheng Y, Boerwinkle E, Morrison AC, Fornage M, Russell TP, Psaty BM, Levy D, Heard-Costa NL, Ramachandran VS, Mathias RA, Arnett DK, Kaplan R, North KE, Correa A, Carson A, Rotter JI, Rich SS, Manson JE, Reiner AP, Kooperberg C, Florez JC, Meigs JB, Merino J, Tobias DK, Chen H, Manning AK. Investigating Gene-Diet Interactions Impacting the Association Between Macronutrient Intake and Glycemic Traits. Diabetes. 2023 May 01; 72(5):653-665. PMID: 36791419.

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  • Published on 12/5/2022

    Satizabal CL, Himali JJ, Beiser AS, Ramachandran V, Melo van Lent D, Himali D, Aparicio HJ, Maillard P, DeCarli CS, Harris WS, Seshadri S. Association of Red Blood Cell Omega-3 Fatty Acids With MRI Markers and Cognitive Function in Midlife: The Framingham Heart Study. Neurology. 2022 Dec 05; 99(23):e2572-e2582. PMID: 36198518.

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  • Published on 11/15/2022

    Pirruccello JP, Lin H, Khurshid S, Nekoui M, Weng LC, Ramachandran VS, Isselbacher EM, Benjamin EJ, Lubitz SA, Lindsay ME, Ellinor PT. Development of a Prediction Model for Ascending Aortic Diameter Among Asymptomatic Individuals. JAMA. 2022 11 15; 328(19):1935-1944. PMID: 36378208.

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  • Published on 8/10/2022

    Cohen JB, Mitchell GF, Gill D, Burgess S, Rahman M, Hanff TC, Ramachandran VS, Mutalik KM, Townsend RR, Chirinos JA. Arterial Stiffness and Diabetes Risk in Framingham Heart Study and UK Biobank. Circ Res. 2022 Sep 02; 131(6):545-554. PMID: 35946401.

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  • Published on 5/5/2022

    Schwartz B, Schou M, Barrillas Lara IM, Monahan K, Helm R, Køber L, Gislason GH, Ramachandran VS, Torp-Pedersen C, Andersson C. Prognostic importance of atrial fibrillation in heart failure according to time elapsed since diagnosis. Heart Rhythm O2. 2022 Aug; 3(4):430-432. PMID: 36097453.

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