Si Young Jang, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology
- Texas A&M University, PhD
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, MS
- Hanyang University, BS
- Published on 2/4/2019
Teo PT, Hwang MS, Shields WG, Kosterin P, Jang SY, Heron DE, Lalonde RJ, Huq MS. Application of TG-100 risk analysis methods to the acceptance testing and commissioning process of a Halcyon linear accelerator. Med Phys. 2019 Mar; 46(3):1341-1354. PMID: 30620406.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 1/1/2019
Jang S, Hwang M, Lalonde R, Heron D, Huq M. Evaluation of daily tumor motion by measuring fiducial length on CBCT images in pancreatic stereotactic body radiation therapy. International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology. 2019; 8(2):68-79.
- Published on 7/15/2018
Huq MS, Hwang MS, Teo TP, Jang SY, Heron DE, Lalonde RJ. A dosimetric evaluation of the IAEA-AAPM TRS483 code of practice for dosimetry of small static fields used in conventional linac beams and comparison with IAEA TRS-398, AAPM TG51, and TG51 Addendum protocols. Med Phys. 2018 Jul 15. PMID: 30009526.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 6/2/2017
McCaw TJ, Hwang MS, Jang SY, Huq MS. Comparison of the recommendations of the AAPM TG-51 and TG-51 addendum reference dosimetry protocols. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2017 Jul; 18(4):140-143. PMID: 28574211.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 9/8/2016
Jang SY, Lalonde R, Ozhasoglu C, Burton S, Heron D, Huq MS. Dosimetric comparison between cone/Iris-based and InCise MLC-based CyberKnife plans for single and multiple brain metastases. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2016 09 08; 17(5):184-199. PMID: 27685124.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 3/17/2015
Dutta S, Nguyen NP, Vock J, Kerr C, Godinez J, Bose S, Jang S, Chi A, Almeida F, Woods W, Desai A, David R, Karlsson UL, Altdorfer G. Image-guided radiotherapy and -brachytherapy for cervical cancer. Front Oncol. 2015; 5:64. PMID: 25853092.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 1/29/2015
Nguyen NP, Kratz S, Chi A, Vock J, Vos P, Shen W, Vincent VH, Ewell L, Jang S, Altdorfer G, Karlsson U, Godinez J, Woods W, Dutta S, Ampil F. Feasibility of image-guided radiotherapy and concurrent chemotherapy for locally advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer. Cancer Invest. 2015 Mar; 33(3):53-60. PMID: 25634242.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 7/1/2014
Nguyen NP, Vock J, Vinh-Hung V, Khan R, Slane B, Sroka T, Jang S, Dias V, Vo RA, Karlsson U, Chi A. Feasibility of tomotherapy for postoperative irradiation of lower extremity sarcomas. Tumori. 2014 Jul-Aug; 100(4):466-9. PMID: 25296598.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 4/17/2014
Nguyen NP, Jang S, Vock J, Vinh-Hung V, Chi A, Vos P, Pugh J, Vo RA, Ceizyk M, Desai A, Smith-Raymond L. Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esophageal cancer. BMC Cancer. 2014 Apr 17; 14:265. PMID: 24742268.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 11/26/2013
Nguyen NP, Shen W, Kratz S, Vock J, Vos P, Vincent VH, Altdorfer G, Ewell L, Jang S, Karlsson U, Godinez J, Mills M, Sroka T, Dutta S, Chi A. Feasibility of tomotherapy-based image-guided radiotherapy for small cell lung cancer. Front Oncol. 2013; 3:289. PMID: 24324932.
Read at: PubMed
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