Sandra Mattar, PsyD
Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry

Dr. Mattar is a Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Associate Professor, and Director of Training at the Immigrant and Refugee Health Center at Boston Medical Center. She is also a Faculty at the Center for Multicultural Training in Psychology (CMTP). She is a graduate of William James College (formerly MSPP), and the Universidad Católica Andres Bello (Venezuela). She is a licensed psychologist with more than 25 years of clinical and teaching experience combined. She has done field research on war trauma in Lebanon. Dr. Mattar was Associate Dean and Associate Professor in the Graduate Counseling Program at Saint Mary’s College of California. Dr. Mattar is a founding member of Division 56 (Trauma Psychology) of the American Psychological Association (APA) and is a Past Chair of the Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs of APA. She was a contributor to the APA Race and Ethnicity Guidelines Task Force. Dr. Mattar’s research interests are on the intersection of psychological trauma and culture; immigrants and refugee mental health; multicultural and international psychology; culturally responsive, trauma-informed education and training, and mindfulness and spirituality. She is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of Psychological Trauma. Dr. Mattar is bilingual in English and Spanish and speaks conversational Arabic and French. She holds a Yoga Teacher certification (RYT500) as well as a certification in Triyana Buddhist studies.
- William James College, PsyD
- Andres Bell Catholic University, BS/MA
- Published on 12/22/2022
Taknint, Joelle; Rojas Perez, Oscar, Mattar, Sandra, & Piwowarczyk, Linda. Teletherapy trauma treatment in context: Caring for refugee patients during and beyond COVID-19 pandemic. Practice Innovations. 2022.
Read at: Custom - Published on 7/21/2022
Mattar, S., Ipekci, B., Louis, E. F., & Taknint, J. T. . Training considerations for providers engaged in refugee mental health care. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation. 2022.
- Published on 7/20/2022
Mattar S, Gellatly R. Refugee mental health: Culturally relevant considerations. Curr Opin Psychol. 2022 Oct; 47:101429. PMID: 35973355.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 1/1/2022
Mattar. S., & Kimball, S. (2022). The traumatic impact of US immigration policies: a call of action for mental healthcare providers. Harvard Public Health Review. 2022.
- Published on 11/1/2020
Mattar S, Frewen PA. Introduction to the special issue: Complementary medicine and integrative health approaches to trauma therapy and recovery. Psychol Trauma. 2020 Nov; 12(8):821-824. PMID: 33346679.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 6/15/2020
Mattar S, Piwowarczyk LA. COVID-19 and U.S.-based refugee populations: Commentary. Psychol Trauma. 2020 Aug; 12(S1):S228-S229. PMID: 32538665.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 8/1/2019
APA Taskforce on Race and Ethnicity Guidelines in Psychology. Practice Guidelines. 2019.
Read at: Custom - Published on 1/1/2015
Mattar, S. & Pestana, M. . Espin. O. & Dottolo, A. (Eds.). Gendered Journeys: Women, Migration and Feminist Psychology . Ni de aquí ni de allá: Narratives of migration and acculturation. Palgrave/McMillan. Virginia. 2015.
- Published on 1/1/2015
Matz, D., Vogel, E., Mattar, S., Montenegro, H. . Interrupting intergenerational trauma: Children of Holocaust Survivors and the Third Reich. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology. 2015; Vol. 46:210-230.
- Published on 1/1/2014
Mattar, S. & Vogel, E. The quality of the evidence: Expanding explanatory trauma frameworks through qualitative research. Europe’s Journal of Psychology. 2014; 10(2):363-375.
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