Michelle M. Morreale-Karl, MD
Adjunct Instructor, Medicine

Dr. Morreale-Karl graduated from the The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in 2005. She works in Jamaica Plain, MA and specializes in Internal Medicine. Morreale-Karl is affiliated with VA Boston Healthcare System Jamaica Plain Division.
Other Positions
- VA Boston Healthcare System
- Brown University School of Medicine, MD
- Haverford College, BS
- Published on 6/1/2021
Schwabenbauer AK, Knight CM, Downing N, Morreale-Karl M, Mlinac ME. Adapting a whole health model to home-based primary care: Bridging person-driven priorities with veteran and family-centered geriatric care. Fam Syst Health. 2021 06; 39(2):374-393. PMID: 34410781.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 3/8/2021
Driver JA, Strymish J, Clement S, Hayes B, Craig K, Cervera A, Morreale-Karl M, Linsenmeyer K, Grudberg S, Davidson H, Spencer J, Kind AHJ, Fantes T. Front-Line innovation: Rapid implementation of a nurse-driven protocol for care of outpatients with COVID-19. J Clin Nurs. 2021 Jun; 30(11-12):1564-1572. PMID: 33555618.
Read at: PubMed