Linda L. Barnes, PhD

Professor, Family Medicine

Linda Barnes
85 E. Newton St Fuller Building


Dr. Linda Barnes is a medical anthropologist and a scholar in the study of world religions. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine (BUSM), and in the Division of Religious and Theological Studies in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Her research and teaching interests address the intersections of culture, religion and spirituality, and complementary and alternative therapies. She is committed to including an understanding of the healing practices of culturally complex patient populations in the training of clinicians, and to helping clinicians to better understand how religious worldviews play a part in patient and family understandings of illness and healing.

Dr. Barnes received her BA from Smith College, following which she earned her Masters in Theological Studies at Harvard Divinity School, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University in Comparative Religion and the allied field of Medical Anthropology. As an historian and medical anthropologist, her own research expertise is in the cultural and social history of Western responses to Chinese healing traditions, in relation to histories of race, medicine, and religion.

Since 1999, Dr. Barnes has been a member of the faculty of Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine, where she founded and directs an urban ethnographic program—the Boston Healing Landscape Project (BHLP), a program for the study of religions, medicines, and healing—funded three times by the Ford Foundation between 2000 and 2008. The BHLP’s research focuses on forms of complementary and alternative medicine common among the culturally complex patient communities served by the medical school’s teaching hospital Boston Medical Center (BMC).

Prior to coming to BUSM, she taught courses on religiously grounded healing traditions at Harvard University, Harvard Divinity School, Brown University, and Northeastern University, and has received multiple teaching awards for her work with students. She now teaches and mentors medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty at BUSM. Beginning in the fall of 2009, her group launched a new Masters Program in Medical Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Practice through the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences at BUSM.

For ten years, Dr. Barnes served as the consultant to faculty-development workshops, sponsored by the American Academy of Religion (AAR) and funded by the Lilly Endowment, the Luce Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, for faculty in the study of religion. She also served as the Regional Director of the New England/Maritimes Region of the American Academy of Religion from 2002-2008, and founded and co-chairs the “Religions, Medicines, and Healing Group” program unit of the AAR.

Dr. Barnes has published her ethnographic work in leading medical anthropology journals such as Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, Medical Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, and Social, Science and Medicine.

Her books include Religion and Healing in America (co-edited with Susan S. Sered, Oxford 2005); and Teaching Religion and Healing (co-edited with Ines Talamantez, Oxford 2006). Her historical scholarship appears in her book Needles, Herbs, Gods, and Ghosts: China, Healing, and the West to 1848 (Harvard University Press, 2005). She is currently writing a book on the social history of Chinese medicine and healing traditions in the United States, beginning in 1849 and continuing up through the present, and building an archive of related source materials.

Her expertise in the field of Chinese medicine in the U.S. has resulted in her being invited to speak to local, national, and international audiences. She has served as an expert reviewer for the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Dr. Barnes lives with her husband, nephew, two parrots, cat, and dog in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Other Positions

  • Boston Medical Center


  • Harvard University, PhD
  • Harvard University, MA
  • Harvard University, MTS
  • Smith College, BA


  • Published on 5/17/2023

    Gallego-Pérez DF, Declercq E, Saper RB, Barnes LL, Wardle J. Characterizing Therapeutic Pluralism Policies in Latin America: A Qualitative Content Analysis. J Integr Complement Med. 2023; 29(6-7):439-450. PMID: 37200459.

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  • Published on 6/20/2020

    Hwang IT, Kramer JM, Cohn ES, Barnes LL. Asian Immigrant Parents' Role Enactment While Accessing and Using Services for Their Child With Developmental Disabilities in the United States: A Meta-Synthesis Study. Qual Health Res. 2020 09; 30(11):1632-1646. PMID: 32564671.

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  • Published on 1/1/2020

    Koenders SL, Barnes LL, Laird LD, Ostrach B, Fix GM. APPLIED TRAINING IN A MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY MASTER'S PROGRAM. Pract Anthropol. 2020 Jan 01; 42(1):43-47. PMID: 35177878.

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  • Published on 3/24/2017

    White AA, Logghe HJ, Goodenough DA, Barnes LL, Hallward A, Allen IM, Green DW, Krupat E, Llerena-Quinn R. Self-Awareness and Cultural Identity as an Effort to Reduce Bias in Medicine. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2018 02; 5(1):34-49. PMID: 28342029.

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  • Published on 2/1/2017

    Meneses V, Vanderbilt D, Barnes L, Augustyn M. "Footprints in the Bathroom": The Role of Spirituality in Patient Diagnosis. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2017 Feb/Mar; 38 Suppl 1:S79-S81. PMID: 28141730.

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  • Published on 4/14/2015

    Laird LD, Barnes LL, Hunter-Adams J, Cochran J, Geltman PL. Looking Islam in the Teeth: The Social Life of a Somali Toothbrush. Med Anthropol Q. 2015 Sep; 29(3):334-56. PMID: 25684459.

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  • Published on 9/10/2014

    Mitchell SE, Mako M, Sadikova E, Barnes L, Stone A, Rosal MC, Wiecha J. The comparative experiences of women in control: diabetes self-management education in a virtual world. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2014 Nov; 8(6):1185-92. PMID: 25212580.

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  • Published on 11/1/2013

    Adams JH, Young S, Laird LD, Geltman PL, Cochran JJ, Hassan A, Egal F, Paasche-Orlow MK, Barnes LL. The cultural basis for oral health practices among Somali refugees pre-and post-resettlement in Massachusetts. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2013 Nov; 24(4):1474-85. PMID: 24185145.

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  • Published on 1/17/2013

    Geltman PL, Adams JH, Cochran J, Doros G, Rybin D, Henshaw M, Barnes LL, Paasche-Orlow M. The impact of functional health literacy and acculturation on the oral health status of Somali refugees living in Massachusetts. Am J Public Health. 2013 Aug; 103(8):1516-23. PMID: 23327248.

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  • Published on 11/1/2011

    Highfield ES, Spellman L, Barnes LL, Kaptchuk TJ, Paradis G, Conboy LA, Saper R. Profile of minority and under-served patients using acupuncture. Complement Ther Med. 2012 Feb-Apr; 20(1-2):70-2. PMID: 22305251.

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