John C. Bradley, MD
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychiatry

Other Positions
- VA Boston Healthcare System
- Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, MD
- Published on 1/1/2016
Bradley, J.C. In P. Kleespies (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Behavioral Emergencies and Crises. The Psychopharmacological Treatment of Individuals at Risk of Recurrent Suicidal Behavior. Oxford University Press. New York. 2016.
- Published on 1/1/2012
Tsai A, Moran S, Shoemaker R, Bradley J. Patient suicides in psychiatric residencies and post-vention responses: a national survey of psychiatry chief residents and program directors. Acad Psychiatry. 2012; 36(1):34-8.
- Published on 1/1/2012
Bates, M. Bradley, J., Bahraini, N. & Goldenberg, M. In Simon, R.I. & Hales, RE.. (Eds.) The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Suicide Assessment and Management. Clinical Management of Suicide Risk with Military and Veteran Personnel. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Washington, DC. 2012.
- Published on 1/1/2012
Bryan CJ, Jennings KW, Jobes DA, Bradley JC. Understanding and preventing military suicide. Arch Suicide Res. 2012; 16(2):95-110. PMID: 22551041.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 3/1/2011
Cox DW, Ghahramanlou-Holloway M, Szeto EH, Greene FN, Engel C, Wynn GH, Bradley J, Grammer G. Gender differences on documented trauma histories: inpatients admitted to a military psychiatric unit for suicide-related thoughts or behaviors. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2011; 199(3):183-190.
- Published on 1/1/2011
Ritchie, E.C., Bradley, J.C., Forsten, R.D., Grammer, G.G. (Eds.). Combat and Operational Behavioral Health. Borden Press. Washington, DC. 2011.
- Published on 1/1/2010
Schneider, B.J. Bradley, J.C., Warner, C.H. & Benedek, D.M. In Ritchie, E.C., Bradley, J.C., Forsten, R.D., Grammer, G.G. (Eds.) (2010) Combat and Operational Behavioral Health (Chapter 10). Psychiatric Medications in Military Operations. Borden Press. Washington, DC. 2010.
- Published on 1/1/2009
Bradley, J.C., Gnam, C., and Pearson, G. (Eds.). Liberty or Death: Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the 1 st Virginia Regiment. Sovereign Press. Williamsburg, VA. 2009.
- Published on 1/1/2008
Ritchie, E.C., Schneider, B.J., Forsten, R.D., & Bradley, J.C. . In B.J. Lukey and V. Tepe (Eds.), Biobehavioral Resilience to Stress. Resiliency and Military Psychiatry. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. 2008; 25—42.
- Published on 7/1/2007
Benedek DM, Schneider BJ, Bradley JC. Psychiatric medications for deployment: an update. Mil Med. 2007 Jul; 172(7):681-5. PMID: 17691678.
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