Jacob Joseph, MD
Adjunct Associate Professor, Medicine

Dr. Jacob Joseph is a cardiologist in West Roxbury, Massachusetts and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Boston Medical Center and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He received his medical degree from University of Kerala Medical College and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Other Positions
- Member, Evans Center for Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research, Boston University
- VA Boston Healthcare System
- University of Kerala (UoK), MD
- University of Kerala (UoK), MBBS
- Published on 7/9/2024
Kurgansky KE, Parker R, Djousse L, Gagnon DR, Joseph J. Spironolactone Reduces the Risk of Death in Veterans With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction. J Am Heart Assoc. 2024 Jul 16; 13(14):e032231. PMID: 38979805.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 10/19/2023
Yuyun MF, Joseph J, Erqou SA, Kinlay S, Echouffo-Tcheugui JB, Peralta AO, Hoffmeister PS, Boden WE, Yarmohammadi H, Martin DT, Singh JP. Persistence of significant secondary mitral regurgitation post-cardiac resynchronization therapy and survival: a systematic review and meta-analysis : Mitral regurgitation and mortality post-CRT. Heart Fail Rev. 2024 Jan; 29(1):165-178. PMID: 37855988.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 12/14/2022
Joseph J, Liu C, Hui Q, Aragam K, Wang Z, Charest B, Huffman JE, Keaton JM, Edwards TL, Demissie S, Djousse L, Casas JP, Gaziano JM, Cho K, Wilson PWF, Phillips LS, O'Donnell CJ, Sun YV. Genetic architecture of heart failure with preserved versus reduced ejection fraction. Nat Commun. 2022 Dec 14; 13(1):7753. PMID: 36517512.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 12/12/2022
Huang S, Cai T, Weber BN, He Z, Dahal KP, Hong C, Hou J, Seyok T, Cagan A, DiCarli MF, Joseph J, Kim SC, Solomon DH, Cai T, Liao KP. Association Between Inflammation, Incident Heart Failure, and Heart Failure Subtypes in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2023 May; 75(5):1036-1045. PMID: 34623035.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 11/5/2022
Das Pradhan A, Glynn RJ, Fruchart JC, MacFadyen JG, Zaharris ES, Everett BM, Campbell SE, Oshima R, Amarenco P, Blom DJ, Brinton EA, Eckel RH, Elam MB, Felicio JS, Ginsberg HN, Goudev A, Ishibashi S, Joseph J, Kodama T, Koenig W, Leiter LA, Lorenzatti AJ, Mankovsky B, Marx N, Nordestgaard BG, Páll D, Ray KK, Santos RD, Soran H, Susekov A, Tendera M, Yokote K, Paynter NP, Buring JE, Libby P, Ridker PM. Triglyceride Lowering with Pemafibrate to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk. N Engl J Med. 2022 Nov 24; 387(21):1923-1934. PMID: 36342113.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 10/31/2022
Gaziano L, Sun L, Arnold M, Bell S, Cho K, Kaptoge SK, Song RJ, Burgess S, Posner DC, Mosconi K, Robinson-Cohen C, Mason AM, Bolton TR, Tao R, Allara E, Schubert P, Chen L, Staley JR, Staplin N, Altay S, Amiano P, Arndt V, Ärnlöv J, Barr ELM, Björkelund C, Boer JMA, Brenner H, Casiglia E, Chiodini P, Cooper JA, Coresh J, Cushman M, Dankner R, Davidson KW, de Jongh RT, Donfrancesco C, Engström G, Freisling H, de la Cámara AG, Gudnason V, Hankey GJ, Hansson PO, Heath AK, Hoorn EJ, Imano H, Jassal SK, Kaaks R, Katzke V, Kauhanen J, Kiechl S, Koenig W, Kronmal RA, Kyrø C, Lawlor DA, Ljungberg B, MacDonald C, Masala G, Meisinger C, Melander O, Moreno Iribas C, Ninomiya T, Nitsch D, Nordestgaard BG, Onland-Moret C, Palmieri L, Petrova D, Garcia JRQ, Rosengren A, Sacerdote C, Sakurai M, Santiuste C, Schulze MB, Sieri S, Sundström J, Tikhonoff V, Tjønneland A, Tong T, Tumino R, Tzoulaki I, van der Schouw YT, Monique Verschuren WM, Völzke H, Wallace RB, Wannamethee SG, Weiderpass E, Willeit P, Woodward M, Yamagishi K, Zamora-Ros R, Akwo EA, Pyarajan S, Gagnon DR, Tsao PS, Muralidhar S, Edwards TL, Damrauer SM, Joseph J, Pennells L, Wilson PWF, Harrison S, Gaziano TA, Inouye M, Baigent C, Casas JP, Langenberg C, Wareham N, Riboli E, Gaziano JM, Danesh J, Hung AM, Butterworth AS, Wood AM, Di Angelantonio E. Mild-to-Moderate Kidney Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease: Observational and Mendelian Randomization Analyses. Circulation. 2022 Nov 15; 146(20):1507-1517. PMID: 36314129.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 9/30/2022
Rucker D, Joseph J. Defining the Phenotypes for Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction. Curr Heart Fail Rep. 2022 Dec; 19(6):445-457. PMID: 36178663.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 2/3/2022
Peloso GM, Tcheandjieu C, McGeary JE, Posner DC, Ho YL, Zhou JJ, Hilliard AT, Joseph J, O'Donnell CJ, Efird JT, Crawford DC, Wu WC, Arjomandi M, Sun YV, Assimes TL, Huffman JE. Genetic Loci Associated With COVID-19 Positivity and Hospitalization in White, Black, and Hispanic Veterans of the VA Million Veteran Program. Front Genet. 2021; 12:777076. PMID: 35222515.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 9/16/2021
Gaziano L, Cho K, Djousse L, Schubert P, Galloway A, Ho YL, Kurgansky K, Gagnon DR, Russo JP, Di Angelantonio E, Wood AM, Danesh J, Gaziano JM, Butterworth AS, Wilson PWF, Joseph J. Risk factors and prediction models for incident heart failure with reduced and preserved ejection fraction. ESC Heart Fail. 2021 12; 8(6):4893-4903. PMID: 34528757.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 4/9/2021
Gaziano L, Giambartolomei C, Pereira AC, Gaulton A, Posner DC, Swanson SA, Ho YL, Iyengar SK, Kosik NM, Vujkovic M, Gagnon DR, Bento AP, Barrio-Hernandez I, Rönnblom L, Hagberg N, Lundtoft C, Langenberg C, Pietzner M, Valentine D, Gustincich S, Tartaglia GG, Allara E, Surendran P, Burgess S, Zhao JH, Peters JE, Prins BP, Angelantonio ED, Devineni P, Shi Y, Lynch KE, DuVall SL, Garcon H, Thomann LO, Zhou JJ, Gorman BR, Huffman JE, O'Donnell CJ, Tsao PS, Beckham JC, Pyarajan S, Muralidhar S, Huang GD, Ramoni R, Beltrao P, Danesh J, Hung AM, Chang KM, Sun YV, Joseph J, Leach AR, Edwards TL, Cho K, Gaziano JM, Butterworth AS, Casas JP. Actionable druggable genome-wide Mendelian randomization identifies repurposing opportunities for COVID-19. Nat Med. 2021 04; 27(4):668-676. PMID: 33837377.
Read at: PubMed
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