Gyungah Jun, PhD

Associate Professor, Medicine

Gyungah Jun
72 E. Concord St Evans Building



Dr. Jun is a globally renowned Alzheimer’s disease (AD) geneticist and an expert in analysis of “big data”. Her innovative contributions to the Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC) and the International Genomics of Alzheimer’s Project (IGAP) has fundamentally changed the approach to identify AD risk genes within APOE genotype subgroups. Dr. Jun is currently the Chair of three working groups in these consortia and has served as a Session Chair on multiple occasions at national and international conferences. Dr. Jun is currently a Director and Head of Neurogenetics and Integrated Genomics at the Andover Innovative Medicines (AiM) Institute, Eisai Inc., while maintaining a research program at BUSM that is independent of her role in the company. Since starting her current position in private industry in August 2015, Dr. Jun has developed an innovative and novel therapeutic concept for AD based on the well-established protective effect of the APOE ε2 allele. Currently, Dr. Jun is involved in several researches focusing on integrated genomics and innovative medicine for AD.

Understanding APOE Mediated Mechanism and Brain Omics Research:

APOE is the major risk gene for late onset Alzheimer’s disease. In US and international genetics consortium, Dr. Jun led and conducted innovative analysis approaches to identify distinct genetic signatures contributing to Alzheimer’s disease risk in APOE4-positive vs. APOE4-negative subgroups. This effort has reported one of the most striking discoveries in the Alzheimer’s disease genetics field that genetic variants in the MAPT/KANSL1 locus are strongly associated with Alzheimer’s disease among subjects who do not carry the APOE4 allele of the APOE gene (Jun et al. 2015). This is an important breakthrough in Alzheimer’s disease genetics, because for the first time APOE genotypes modulate effects of MAPT locus on Alzheimer’s disease risk. The follow-up analysis of the initial report (Jun et al. 2016) using APOE2-carrier subjects by separating from the APOE4-negative subgroup has discovered genetic variants in PPP2CB with strong genetic interaction with the APOE2 allele, where PPP2CB encodes a catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A that is responsible about 71% of tau phosphatase activities in human brain (reducing tau phosphorylation). After the first report of APOE as the major genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease in 1993, therapeutic concepts targeting APOE primarily involve in correcting or inhibiting the APOE4 effect, the risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. For the first time, beyond APOE4, Dr. Jun has developed a novel therapeutic concept for Alzheimer’s disease that mimics the APOE2 protective mechanism. A five-year grant proposal based on this innovative idea was funded by the NIH/NIA starting in 2017 (RF1-AG057519; Multiple PIs: Farrer and Jun). In this project, we will perform functional experiments for connecting APOE2 protective mechanism to tau and conduct in vitro proof-of-concept experiments for developing new drugs for Alzheimer’s disease based on APOE-mediated protective mechanisms. After these findings, Dr. Jun published 5 papers deciphering APOE related disease mechanisms including one as last author (Reiman et al. Nature Communications 2020) and four as co-author (Ma et al. JAMA Neurology 2019; Choi et al. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019; Arboleda-Velasquez et al. Nature Medicine 2019; Friedberg et al. Scientific Reports 2020).

Drug Discovery and Repurposing in Alzheimer’s Disease Therapeutics:

From 2015 to 2018, Dr. Jun served as a Director and Head of Neurogenetics and Integrated Genomics for Andover Innovative Medicines (AiM) Institute which is the Eisai company’s R&D unit for neurology and oncology in the US. Her role in the company was to identify Alzheimer’s disease drug targets by creating novel therapeutic concepts derived from human genetics and genomics data and help design proof-of-mechanism studies based on disease associated genetic variants and brain omics data collaborating with biologists and chemists. During her tenure with Eisai, she maintained my academic position at BUSM as an Adjunct Faculty in order to continue academic research programs. Dr. Jun developed a novel therapeutic concept predicated on the idea that Alzheimer’s disease could be delayed or prevented by elucidating and mimicking the protective mechanism of the APOE ε2 allele. Translational research for AD therapeutics remains her main focus and will occupy the majority of her effort. Dr. Jun has contributed to development of a large coordinated national initiative for AD therapeutics empowered by transformative Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches using high throughput human big data, collaborating with national profit and non-profit institutes. Dr. Jun will serve as the Director of a ‘Genome-Guided Drug Discovery Core’ that will lead efforts on innovative drug discovery for AD, repurposing existing drugs, and developing a platform for open collaboration between academia and industry.

Ethnic Diversity Research in Alzheimer’s Disease:

Dr. Jun has directed the genetic analyses for several projects aimed at identifying Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk variants for Alzheimer’s disease in multi-ethnic cohorts, which led to 4 publications including co-first author on papers focused on European ancestry (Naj, Jun et al. Nature Genetics 2011) and Asian (Miyashita, Koike, Jun et al. PLos One 2013) populations, second author on a paper focused on African Americans (Reitz, Jun et al. JAMA 2013), and first author of a trans-ethnic study (Jun et al. Alzheimers & Dementia 2017). These studies emphasized shared and/or unique genetic signatures in different ethnic populations. These publications have significantly improved our understandings in effect sizes and frequencies of genetic risk variants for Alzheimer’s disease in multi-ethnic populations. Dr. Jun has been a project leader at the Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium to understand ethnic similarities and differences on genetic risk profiles for Alzheimer’s disease and influence of APOE in a transethnic approach. In January 2017, she has published the first report on trans-ethnic genetics for Alzheimer’s disease using the large number of multi-ethnic subjects. She has also contributed to the identification of a genetic modifier for the effect size of APOE4 homozygotes in Koreans. This report demonstrates the importance of investigating effect sizes of known Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk factors (i.e., APOE) as well as trans-ethnic profiles of genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease using multi-ethnic datasets. Dr. Jun established an international collaborative network to share resources of Asian populations and coordinate research programs for Alzheimer’s disease using Asian populations. In addition, Dr. Jun initiated a collaboration between our research team at BUSM and a group at Chosun University in South Korea and will contribute to a funded project that will perform whole genome sequencing in a sample of 4,000 Korean Alzheimer’s disease cases and controls. Dr. Jun is a founding member of a large Asian Cohort for Alzheimer’s Disease (ACAD) Consortium that will recruit and study genetic and non-genetic risk factors for AD using Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese Americans in US and Canada. In this consortium, she will lead the Analysis Core and recruit Korean American AD cases and controls in collaboration with investigators at the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

Innovative Genetic Studies in the Framingham Heart Study:

Dr. Jun has extensive worked on analyzing family-based genetic data in the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) leading to discoveries of two novel genes for Alzheimer’s disease, CTNND2 and PLXNA4. These findings were bolstered by functional studies performed in eye and brain tissue, respectively, by our BUSM collaborators. Claims for diagnostic and therapeutic applications of PLXNA4 have been filed at US Patent and Trademark Office (USSN: 14/889,565) and Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT/US2014/037479). These discoveries also contributed to the basis of a newly funded U19 grant to NIH to establish a FHS Brain Aging Program (FHS-BAP). In this program, Dr. Jun will co-lead a project in the proposed program that will continue surveillance and examination of FHS participants for cognitive decline and dementia and the FHS brain donation program. This large program will also conduct research related to themes of identification of genetic factors and biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease risk and resilience, and vascular/inflammatory precursors of Alzheimer’s disease.

US and International Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium Activities:

Dr. Jun helped build an outstanding research program of genetics and genomics for Alzheimer’s disease using large datasets from national and international consortia including the Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC) and the International Genomics of Alzheimer’s Project (IGAP). For the past 10 years working, Dr. Jun is a key faculty to establish one of the strongest genetic and genomic data science teams studying Alzheimer’s disease genetics worldwide. She has been a core member of these large consortium teams evidenced by leading primary analysis and data management activities, many high profile papers including ones as lead or senior author, designing and writing large sections of grant applications to support the work of these and other Alzheimer’s disease genetic consortia, and reviewing applications from investigators worldwide who request access to ADGC datasets containing genetic and phenotypic information from tens of thousands of research subjects.

Other Positions

  • Member, Evans Center for Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research, Boston University
  • Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
  • Assistant Professor, Biostatistics, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
  • Member, Genome Science Institute, Boston University


  • Case Western Reserve University, PhD
  • Cleveland State University, MS
  • Seoul National University, MS
  • Korea University, BA


  • Published on 11/13/2024

    Li D, Han X, Farrer LA, Stein TD, Jun GR. Transcriptome Signatures for Cognitive Resilience Among Individuals with Pathologically Confirmed Alzheimer Disease. medRxiv. 2024 Nov 13. PMID: 39606402.

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  • Published on 10/20/2024

    Kang M, Farrell JJ, Zhu C, Park H, Kang S, Seo EH, Choi KY, Jun GR, Won S, Gim J, Lee KH, Farrer LA. Whole-genome sequencing study in Koreans identifies novel loci for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Oct 20. PMID: 39428694.

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  • Published on 6/21/2024

    Sahelijo N, Rajagopalan P, Qian L, Rahman R, Priyadarshi D, Goldstein D, Thomopoulos SI, Bennett DA, Farrer LA, Stein TD, Shen L, Huang H, Nho K, Andrew SJ, Davatzikos C, Thompson PM, Tcw J, Jun GR. Brain Cell-based Genetic Subtyping and Drug Repositioning for Alzheimer Disease. medRxiv. 2024 Jun 21. PMID: 38947056.

    Read at: PubMed
  • Published on 2/29/2024

    Panitch R, Sahelijo N, Hu J, Nho K, Bennett DA, Lunetta KL, Au R, Stein TD, Farrer LA, Jun GR. APOE genotype-specific methylation patterns are linked to Alzheimer disease pathology and estrogen response. Transl Psychiatry. 2024 Feb 29; 14(1):129. PMID: 38424036.

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  • Published on 1/12/2024

    Ho PC, Yu WH, Tee BL, Lee WP, Li C, Gu Y, Yokoyama JS, Reyes-Dumeyer D, Choi YB, Yang HS, Vardarajan BN, Tzuang M, Lieu K, Lu A, Faber KM, Potter ZD, Revta C, Kirsch M, McCallum J, Mei D, Booth B, Cantwell LB, Chen F, Chou S, Clark D, Deng M, Hong TH, Hwang LJ, Jiang L, Joo Y, Kang Y, Kim ES, Kim H, Kim K, Kuzma AB, Lam E, Lanata SC, Lee K, Li D, Li M, Li X, Liu CL, Liu C, Liu L, Lupo JL, Nguyen K, Pfleuger SE, Qian J, Qian W, Ramirez V, Russ KA, Seo EH, Song YE, Tartaglia MC, Tian L, Torres M, Vo N, Wong EC, Xie Y, Yau EB, Yi I, Yu V, Zeng X, St George-Hyslop P, Au R, Schellenberg GD, Dage JL, Varma R, Hsiung GR, Rosen H, Henderson VW, Foroud T, Kukull WA, Peavy GM, Lee H, Feldman HH, Mayeux R, Chui H, Jun GR, Ta Park VM, Chow TW, Wang LS. Asian Cohort for Alzheimer's Disease (ACAD) pilot study on genetic and non-genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease among Asian Americans and Canadians. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Mar; 20(3):2058-2071. PMID: 38215053.

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  • Published on 12/30/2023

    Montoliu-Gaya L, Alosco ML, Yhang E, Tripodis Y, Sconzo D, Ally M, Grötschel L, Ashton NJ, Lantero-Rodriguez J, Sauer M, Gomes B, Nilsson J, Brinkmalm G, Sugarman MA, Aparicio HJ, Martin B, Palmisano JN, Steinberg EG, Simkin I, Turk KW, Budson AE, Au R, Farrer L, Jun GR, Kowall NW, Stern RA, Goldstein LE, Qiu WQ, Mez J, Huber BR, Alvarez VE, McKee AC, Zetterberg H, Gobom J, Stein TD, Blennow K. Optimal blood tau species for the detection of Alzheimer's disease neuropathology: an immunoprecipitation mass spectrometry and autopsy study. Acta Neuropathol. 2023 Dec 30; 147(1):5. PMID: 38159140.

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  • Published on 10/25/2023

    Ally M, Sugarman MA, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Ashton NJ, Karikari TK, Aparicio HJ, Frank B, Tripodis Y, Martin B, Palmisano JN, Steinberg EG, Simkin I, Farrer LA, Jun GR, Turk KW, Budson AE, O'Connor MK, Au R, Goldstein LE, Kowall NW, Killiany R, Stern RA, Stein TD, McKee AC, Qiu WQ, Mez J, Alosco ML. Cross-sectional and longitudinal evaluation of plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein to detect and predict clinical syndromes of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2023; 15(4):e12492. PMID: 37885919.

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  • Published on 8/3/2023

    Lee H, Ha H, Yim S, Yang HS, Lee V, Hong E, Chow TW, Park VT, Wang LS, Jun G, Choi YB. Using community-based geographical information system (GIS) to recruit older Asian Americans in an Alzheimer's disease study. BMJ Open. 2023 Aug 03; 13(8):e072761. PMID: 37536975.

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  • Published on 7/8/2023

    Rajabli F, Benchek P, Tosto G, Kushch N, Sha J, Bazemore K, Zhu C, Lee WP, Haut J, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Wheeler NR, Zhao Y, Farrell JJ, Grunin MA, Leung YY, Kuksa PP, Li D, Lucio da Fonseca E, Mez JB, Palmer EL, Pillai J, Sherva RM, Song YE, Zhang X, Iqbal T, Pathak O, Valladares O, Kuzma AB, Abner E, Adams PM, Aguirre A, Albert MS, Albin RL, Allen M, Alvarez L, Apostolova LG, Arnold SE, Asthana S, Atwood CS, Ayres G, Baldwin CT, Barber RC, Barnes LL, Barral S, Beach TG, Becker JT, Beecham GW, Beekly D, Benitez BA, Bennett D, Bertelson J, Bird TD, Blacker D, Boeve BF, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Brewer J, Burke JR, Burns JM, Buxbaum JD, Cairns NJ, Cantwell LB, Cao C, Carlson CS, Carlsson CM, Carney RM, Carrasquillo MM, Chasse S, Chesselet MF, Chin NA, Chui HC, Chung J, Craft S, Crane PK, Cribbs DH, Crocco EA, Cruchaga C, Cuccaro ML, Cullum M, Darby E, Davis B, De Jager PL, DeCarli C, DeToledo J, Dick M, Dickson DW, Dombroski BA, Doody RS, Duara R, Ertekin-Taner N, Evans DA, Faber KM, Fairchild TJ, Fallon KB, Fardo DW, Farlow MR, Fernandez-Hernandez V, Ferris S, Foroud TM, Frosch MP, Fulton-Howard B, Galasko DR, Gamboa A, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Goate AM, Grabowski TJ, Graff-Radford NR, Green RC, Growdon JH, Hakonarson H, Hall J, Hamilton RL, Harari O, Hardy J, Harrell LE, Head E, Henderson VW, Hernandez M, Hohman T, Honig LS, Huebinger RM, Huentelman MJ, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Hynan LS, Ibanez L, Jarvik GP, Jayadev S, Jin LW, Johnson K, Johnson L, Kamboh MI, Karydas AM, Katz MJ, Kauwe JS, Kaye JA, Keene CD, Khaleeq A, Kim R, Knebl J, Kowall NW, Kramer JH, Kukull WA, LaFerla FM, Lah JJ, Larson EB, Lerner A, Leverenz JB, Levey AI, Lieberman AP, Lipton RB, Logue M, Lopez OL, Lunetta KL, Lyketsos CG, Mains D, Margaret FE, Marson DC, Martin ERR, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, Massman P, Masurkar A, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McDonough S, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Montine TJ, Monuki ES, Morris JC, Mukherjee S, Myers AJ, Nguyen T, O'Bryant S, Olichney JM, Ory M, Palmer R, Parisi JE, Paulson HL, Pavlik V, Paydarfar D, Perez V, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Pierce A, Polk M, Poon WW, Potter H, Qu L, Quiceno M, Quinn JF, Raj A, Raskind M, Reiman EM, Reisberg B, Reisch JS, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rodriguear M, Rogaeva E, Rosen HJ, Rosenberg RN, Royall DR, Sager MA, Sano M, Saykin AJ, Schneider JA, Schneider LS, Seeley WW, Slifer SH, Small S, Smith AG, Smith JP, Sonnen JA, Spina S, St George-Hyslop P, Stern RA, Stevens AB, Strittmatter SM, Sultzer D, Swerdlow RH, Tanzi RE, Tilson JL, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Tsuang DW, Van Deerlin VM, van Eldik LJ, Vance JM, Vardarajan BN, Vassar R, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Whitehead PL, Wijsman EM, Wilhelmsen KC, Williams B, Williamson J, Wilms H, Wingo TS, Wisniewski T, Woltjer RL, Woon M, Wright CB, Wu CK, Younkin SG, Yu CE, Yu L, Zhu X, Kunkle BW, Bush WS, Wang LS, Farrer LA, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Jun GR, Reitz C, Naj AC. Multi-ancestry genome-wide meta-analysis of 56,241 individuals identifies LRRC4C, LHX5-AS1 and nominates ancestry-specific loci PTPRK , GRB14 , and KIAA0825 as novel risk loci for Alzheimer's disease: the Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium. medRxiv. 2023 Jul 08. PMID: 37461624.

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  • Published on 5/11/2023

    Chung J, Sahelijo N, Maruyama T, Hu J, Panitch R, Xia W, Mez J, Stein TD, Saykin AJ, Takeyama H, Farrer LA, Crane PK, Nho K, Jun GR. Alzheimer's disease heterogeneity explained by polygenic risk scores derived from brain transcriptomic profiles. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 Nov; 19(11):5173-5184. PMID: 37166019.

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