Danielle Davis, MD
Clinical Instructor, Medicine

72 East Concord Street
Dr. Davis is a resident in Internal Medicine at Boston Medical Center and is an NIH R38 grant recipient in the Promoting Research in Medical Residency (PRIMER) program. As a resident clinician-investigator, Dr. Davis is interested in using large data bases in order to further characterize the pathophysiology and clinical outcomes of heart failure. Dr. Davis received her MD from the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
- Published on 1/12/2022
Davis DN, Ross LK, Feng Z, Imber R, Hogan C, Young HL. Preincision versus postincision frequent door openings during total joint arthroplasty. Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol. 2022; 2(1):e2. PMID: 36310772.
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