Christopher Bernard Brady, PhD
Assistant Professor, Neurology

Dr. Kit Brady is a a licensed neuropsychologist and Co-Principal Investigator/Director of Scientific Operations of the VA-funded VA Biorepository Brain Bank (VABBB), and Co-Investigator/Director of Scientific Operations for the Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Biorepository and National PTSD Brain Bank. He is also Assistant Professor in the Departments of Neurology and the Program in Behavioral Neuroscience at Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine. He has been conducting research on the effects of aging and neurodegenerative diseases on cognition for over twenty years. Specifically, his research examines whether declining health and neurodegenerative diseases have specific deleterious effects on higher-order cognitive functions that have been suggested to be mediated by the frontal lobes of the brain (e.g., executive cognitive functions), compared with cognitive functions largely mediated by other brain regions (e.g., memory, visuospatial functions).
Dr. Brady’s recent work has focused on the effects of ALS on cognition and behavior, and the relation of these cognitive and behavioral changes on caregivers of persons with ALS. His work with the Boston VA ALS clinic staff has provided insight into the need to better delineate cognitive/behavioral subtypes in ALS and whether different patterns of deficits are related to higher levels of caregiver burden. This work has also highlighted the importance of effective interventions to reduce strain/burden in the caregivers of persons with ALS. Furthermore, to conduct this research he has developed in-person, mail- and telephone-based cognitive and psychological assessments for use with persons with ALS, Gulf-War Illness, PTSD, kidney disease, and aging control participants in various settings in cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. Conducting this research requires the use of both cross-sectional and longitudinal research designs, and the integration of multiple collaborating disciplines, including cognitive neuroscience, linguistics, behavioral neurology, neuroimaging, geriatrics, and statistics.
His current clinical training responsibilities involve clinical supervision in neuropsychological assessment with predoctoral interns and postdoctoral fellows in the APA-approved Boston Consortium in Clinical Psychology Internship Training Program. Dr. Brady’s other clinical work involves conducting cognitive assessments at the Boston ALS clinic.
Other Positions
- Graduate Faculty (Primary Mentor of Grad Students), Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Graduate Medical Sciences
- VA Boston Healthcare System
- Washington University in St. Louis, PhD
- University of Pittsburgh, MA
- University of Pittsburgh, BA
- Published on 7/18/2024
Pless Kaiser A, Brady CB, Spiro A. Do appraisals of military service indicate current distress in aging Vietnam War combat veterans? Psychol Trauma. 2024 Jul 18. PMID: 39023945.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 6/4/2022
Colvin LE, Foster ZW, Stein TD, Thakore-James M, Salajegheh MK, Carr K, Spencer KR, Abdul Rauf N, Adams L, Averill JG, Walker SE, Robey I, Alvarez VE, Huber BR, McKee AC, Kowall NW, Brady CB. Utility of the ALSFRS-R for predicting ALS and comorbid disease neuropathology: The Veterans Affairs Biorepository Brain Bank. Muscle Nerve. 2022 Aug; 66(2):167-174. PMID: 35585776.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 5/19/2022
Alvia M, Aytan N, Spencer KR, Foster ZW, Rauf NA, Guilderson L, Robey I, Averill JG, Walker SE, Alvarez VE, Huber BR, Mathais R, Cormier KA, Nicks R, Pothast M, Labadorf A, Agus F, Alosco ML, Mez J, Kowall NW, McKee AC, Brady CB, Stein TD. MicroRNA Alterations in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Front Neurosci. 2022; 16:855096. PMID: 35663558.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 10/14/2021
Brady CB, Robey I, Stein TD, Huber BR, Riley J, Abdul Rauf N, Spencer KR, Walt G, Adams L, Averill JG, Walker S, McKee AC, Thomson SP, Kowall NW. The Department of Veterans Affairs Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Biorepository: Supporting Research on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses. Brain Sci. 2021 Oct 14; 11(10). PMID: 34679413.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 10/1/2021
Johnson JO, Chia R, Miller DE, Li R, Kumaran R, Abramzon Y, Alahmady N, Renton AE, Topp SD, Gibbs JR, Cookson MR, Sabir MS, Dalgard CL, Troakes C, Jones AR, Shatunov A, Iacoangeli A, Al Khleifat A, Ticozzi N, Silani V, Gellera C, Blair IP, Dobson-Stone C, Kwok JB, Bonkowski ES, Palvadeau R, Tienari PJ, Morrison KE, Shaw PJ, Al-Chalabi A, Brown RH, Calvo A, Mora G, Al-Saif H, Gotkine M, Leigh F, Chang IJ, Perlman SJ, Glass I, Scott AI, Shaw CE, Basak AN, Landers JE, Chiò A, Crawford TO, Smith BN, Traynor BJ, Smith BN, Ticozzi N, Fallini C, Gkazi AS, Topp SD, Scotter EL, Kenna KP, Keagle P, Tiloca C, Vance C, Troakes C, Colombrita C, King A, Pensato V, Castellotti B, Baas F, Ten Asbroek ALMA, McKenna-Yasek D, McLaughlin RL, Polak M, Asress S, Esteban-Pérez J, Stevic Z, D'Alfonso S, Mazzini L, Comi GP, Del Bo R, Ceroni M, Gagliardi S, Querin G, Bertolin C, van Rheenen W, Rademakers R, van Blitterswijk M, Lauria G, Duga S, Corti S, Cereda C, Corrado L, Sorarù G, Williams KL, Nicholson GA, Blair IP, Leblond-Manry C, Rouleau GA, Hardiman O, Morrison KE, Veldink JH, van den Berg LH, Al-Chalabi A, Pall H, Shaw PJ, Turner MR, Talbot K, Taroni F, García-Redondo A, Wu Z, Glass JD, Gellera C, Ratti A, Brown RH, Silani V, Shaw CE, Landers JE, Dalgard CL, Adeleye A, Soltis AR, Alba C, Viollet C, Bacikova D, Hupalo DN, Sukumar G, Pollard HB, Wilkerson MD, Martinez EM, Abramzon Y, Ahmed S, Arepalli S, Baloh RH, Bowser R, Brady CB, Brice A, Broach J, Campbell RH, Camu W, Chia R, Cooper-Knock J, Ding J, Drepper C, Drory VE, Dunckley TL, Eicher JD, England BK, Faghri F, Feldman E, Floeter MK, Fratta P, Geiger JT, Gerhard G, Gibbs JR, Gibson SB, Glass JD, Hardy J, Harms MB, Heiman-Patterson TD, Hernandez DG, Jansson L, Kirby J, Kowall NW, Laaksovirta H, Landeck N, Landi F, Le Ber I, Lumbroso S, MacGowan DJL, Maragakis NJ, Mora G, Mouzat K, Murphy NA, Myllykangas L, Nalls MA, Orrell RW, Ostrow LW, Pamphlett R, Pickering-Brown S, Pioro EP, Pletnikova O, Pliner HA, Pulst SM, Ravits JM, Renton AE, Rivera A, Robberecht W, Rogaeva E, Rollinson S, Rothstein JD, Scholz SW, Sendtner M, Shaw PJ, Sidle KC, Simmons Z, Singleton AB, Smith N, Stone DJ, Tienari PJ, Troncoso JC, Valori M, Van Damme P, Van Deerlin VM, Van Den Bosch L, Zinman L, Landers JE, Chiò A, Traynor BJ, Angelocola SM, Ausiello FP, Barberis M, Bartolomei I, Battistini S, Bersano E, Bisogni G, Borghero G, Brunetti M, Cabona C, Calvo A, Canale F, Canosa A, Cantisani TA, Capasso M, Caponnetto C, Cardinali P, Carrera P, Casale F, Chiò A, Colletti T, Conforti FL, Conte A, Conti E, Corbo M, Cuccu S, Dalla Bella E, D'Errico E, DeMarco G, Dubbioso R, Ferrarese C, Ferraro PM, Filippi M, Fini N, Floris G, Fuda G, Gallone S, Gianferrari G, Giannini F, Grassano M, Greco L, Iazzolino B, Introna A, La Bella V, Lattante S, Lauria G, Liguori R, Logroscino G, Logullo FO, Lunetta C, Mandich P, Mandrioli J, Manera U, Manganelli F, Marangi G, Marinou K, Marrosu MG, Martinelli I, Messina S, Moglia C, Mora G, Mosca L, Murru MR, Origone P, Passaniti C, Petrelli C, Petrucci A, Pozzi S, Pugliatti M, Quattrini A, Ricci C, Riolo G, Riva N, Russo M, Sabatelli M, Salamone P, Salivetto M, Salvi F, Santarelli M, Sbaiz L, Sideri R, Simone I, Simonini C, Spataro R, Tanel R, Tedeschi G, Ticca A, Torriello A, Tranquilli S, Tremolizzo L, Trojsi F, Vasta R, Vacchiano V, Vita G, Volanti P, Zollino M, Zucchi E. Association of Variants in the SPTLC1 Gene With Juvenile Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. JAMA Neurol. 2021 10 01; 78(10):1236-1248. PMID: 34459874.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 11/26/2020
Dewan R, Chia R, Ding J, Hickman RA, Stein TD, Abramzon Y, Ahmed S, Sabir MS, Portley MK, Tucci A, Ibáñez K, Shankaracharya FNU, Keagle P, Rossi G, Caroppo P, Tagliavini F, Waldo ML, Johansson PM, Nilsson CF, Rowe JB, Benussi L, Binetti G, Ghidoni R, Jabbari E, Viollet C, Glass JD, Singleton AB, Silani V, Ross OA, Ryten M, Torkamani A, Tanaka T, Ferrucci L, Resnick SM, Pickering-Brown S, Brady CB, Kowal N, Hardy JA, Van Deerlin V, Vonsattel JP, Harms MB, Morris HR, Ferrari R, Landers JE, Chiò A, Gibbs JR, Dalgard CL, Scholz SW, Traynor BJ. Pathogenic Huntingtin Repeat Expansions in Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Neuron. 2021 02 03; 109(3):448-460.e4. PMID: 33242422.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 8/4/2020
Spencer KR, Foster ZW, Rauf NA, Guilderson L, Collins D, Averill JG, Walker SE, Robey I, Cherry JD, Alvarez VE, Huber BR, McKee AC, Kowall NW, Brady CB, Stein TD. Neuropathological profile of long-duration amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in military Veterans. Brain Pathol. 2020 11; 30(6):1028-1040. PMID: 32633852.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 12/1/2018
Walt GS, Burris HM, Brady CB, Spencer KR, Alvarez VE, Huber BR, Guilderson L, Abdul Rauf N, Collins D, Singh T, Mathias R, Averill JG, Walker SE, Robey I, McKee AC, Kowall NW, Stein TD. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Within an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Brain Bank Cohort. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2018 12 01; 77(12):1091-1100. PMID: 30299493.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 5/23/2018
Brady CB, Pless Kaiser A, Spiro A, Davison E, King D, King L. Late-onset stress symptomatology (LOSS) scale - short form: development and validation. Aging Ment Health. 2019 08; 23(8):952-960. PMID: 29791189.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 3/21/2018
Nicolas A, Kenna KP, Renton AE, Ticozzi N, Faghri F, Chia R, Dominov JA, Kenna BJ, Nalls MA, Keagle P, Rivera AM, van Rheenen W, Murphy NA, van Vugt JJFA, Geiger JT, Van der Spek RA, Pliner HA, Shankaracharya, Smith BN, Marangi G, Topp SD, Abramzon Y, Gkazi AS, Eicher JD, Kenna A, Mora G, Calvo A, Mazzini L, Riva N, Mandrioli J, Caponnetto C, Battistini S, Volanti P, La Bella V, Conforti FL, Borghero G, Messina S, Simone IL, Trojsi F, Salvi F, Logullo FO, D'Alfonso S, Corrado L, Capasso M, Ferrucci L, Moreno CAM, Kamalakaran S, Goldstein DB, Gitler AD, Harris T, Myers RM, Phatnani H, Musunuri RL, Evani US, Abhyankar A, Zody MC, Kaye J, Finkbeiner S, Wyman SK, LeNail A, Lima L, Fraenkel E, Svendsen CN, Thompson LM, Van Eyk JE, Berry JD, Miller TM, Kolb SJ, Cudkowicz M, Baxi E, Benatar M, Taylor JP, Rampersaud E, Wu G, Wuu J, Lauria G, Verde F, Fogh I, Tiloca C, Comi GP, Sorarù G, Cereda C, Corcia P, Laaksovirta H, Myllykangas L, Jansson L, Valori M, Ealing J, Hamdalla H, Rollinson S, Pickering-Brown S, Orrell RW, Sidle KC, Malaspina A, Hardy J, Singleton AB, Johnson JO, Arepalli S, Sapp PC, McKenna-Yasek D, Polak M, Asress S, Al-Sarraj S, King A, Troakes C, Vance C, de Belleroche J, Baas F, Ten Asbroek ALMA, Muñoz-Blanco JL, Hernandez DG, Ding J, Gibbs JR, Scholz SW, Floeter MK, Campbell RH, Landi F, Bowser R, Pulst SM, Ravits JM, MacGowan DJL, Kirby J, Pioro EP, Pamphlett R, Broach J, Gerhard G, Dunckley TL, Brady CB, Kowall NW, Troncoso JC, Le Ber I, Mouzat K, Lumbroso S, Heiman-Patterson TD, Kamel F, Van Den Bosch L, Baloh RH, Strom TM, Meitinger T, Shatunov A, Van Eijk KR, de Carvalho M, Kooyman M, Middelkoop B, Moisse M, McLaughlin RL, Van Es MA, Weber M, Boylan KB, Van Blitterswijk M, Rademakers R, Morrison KE, Basak AN, Mora JS, Drory VE, Shaw PJ, Turner MR, Talbot K, Hardiman O, Williams KL, Fifita JA, Nicholson GA, Blair IP, Rouleau GA, Esteban-Pérez J, García-Redondo A, Al-Chalabi A, Rogaeva E, Zinman L, Ostrow LW, Maragakis NJ, Rothstein JD, Simmons Z, Cooper-Knock J, Brice A, Goutman SA, Feldman EL, Gibson SB, Taroni F, Ratti A, Gellera C, Van Damme P, Robberecht W, Fratta P, Sabatelli M, Lunetta C, Ludolph AC, Andersen PM, Weishaupt JH, Camu W, Trojanowski JQ, Van Deerlin VM, Brown RH, van den Berg LH, Veldink JH, Harms MB, Glass JD, Stone DJ, Tienari P, Silani V, Chiò A, Shaw CE, Traynor BJ, Landers JE. Genome-wide Analyses Identify KIF5A as a Novel ALS Gene. Neuron. 2018 03 21; 97(6):1268-1283.e6. PMID: 29566793.
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