Christina Ryan, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics

771 Albany St
Dr. Ryan received her M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. Her Ph.D. is in Microbiology and Immunology. Her area of research involved tumor immunology. She has worked as a Pediatric Hospitalist at Kaiser Permanente in CA prior to her start at SBMC as a Pediatric Hospitalist where she cares for sick children on the pediatric floor and in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.
Other Positions
- Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center
- Pennsylvania State College of Medicine, MD
- Pennsylvania State College of Medicine, PhD
- New York University, BA
- Published on 8/1/2011
Ryan C, Khan M, Delgado E, Berquist W, Longhurst C. A 15-year-old girl with dysphagia, failure to thrive. Pediatr Ann. 2011 Aug; 40(8):397-400. PMID: 21815600.
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