Preclerkship Curriculum Subcommittee

The Preclerkship Curriculum Subcommittee (PCS) is one of the MEC’s standing subcommittees. The PCS is responsible for:

  • Implementing the decisions of the MEC
  • Integrating the curriculum of the first two years
  • Integrating the curriculum over all four years with the Clerkship Curriculum Subcommittee

Committee Members

The PCS is comprised of pre-clerkship course representatives, four students (one voting member from each class, with alternates), and a representative of the Medical Education Office who also is a voting member. PISCEs course directors, along with the Associate Dean of Medical Education, will select by vote, four voting members for their respective courses. All other module directors for PISCEs will serve as non-voting members on the committee. Course Directors for courses other than PISCEs will serve as voting members representing their courses.

Chair: Gwynneth Offner    
View Faculty Membership

Student Representatives:

Student Alternates:

Committee Documents

PCS Schedule

The committee meeting schedule can be found here.

Please contact Abigail Zielinski, Committee Coordinator, at with any questions regarding meeting dates, times, and location.