In Support of the Warfighter: Improving Military Health through Research
November 11, 2016
Museum of Science, Boston
Dr. Anna Hohler, Associate Professor of Neurology and Director of the Center for Military and Post Deployment Health, visited the Museum of Science on Veterans Day for a talk with visitors about military medicine and advances in military related healthcare research. The event, which took place on the Museum’s Current Science and Technology Stage, drew a diverse crowd that included families with young children, seniors, Veterans, and family members of active duty military. Hohler talked with visitors about health issues prevalent among Veterans and military members and how Boston University physicians and researchers are working to support our wounded warriors.
2016 BUMC/VABHS Joining Forces Conference
November 8, 2016
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
The fifth annual BUMC/VA Boston Health Care System Joining Forces conference took place on Tuesday, November 8. This year’s conference was a resounding success, with approximately 200 BU faculty, staff, students, and community members in attendance. Read more.
A recording of this year’s conference is available here.
Teens Experience the “Cool” Side of Science in Summer Visits
July-August, 2016
CLF/VA Brain Bank, VA Bedford, MA
National Emerging Infectious Disease Lab (NEIDL), Boston, MA
It may seem surprising to hear teenagers refer to science as “cool,” “exciting,” or “intense,” but those are the adjectives high school interns used to describe their experiences at Boston University Medical Campus (BUMC) labs this summer.
The Center for Military and Post Deployment Health has facilitated a partnership between the BU Medical Campus and the Museum of Science on initiatives aimed at attracting more students to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The collaboration includes opportunities for BUMC faculty and students to participate in public programming at the Museum, provide mentor experiences, and increase student exposure to STEM activities and fields. Read more.
BUSM Students Gain Skills and Perspective from “The Other Side of the Bed”
July, 2016
VA Boston Healthcare System West Roxbury campus
This summer, Boston University medical students had the opportunity to walk a mile, or in this case an eight-hour shift, in someone else’s shoes through a program aimed at fostering positive relationships between nurses and future physicians. Read more.
Student participants in “The Other Side of the Bed” program included (in alphabetical order) Victoria Canelos, Stephen Chang, Daniel Dwyer, Maria Eberle, Alex Iwamoto, Katherine Keefe, Hyunjee Kwak, Scott Meeker, Fred Milgrim, Sean Rossi, Leah Sax, JoAnn Thomas-Lewis, Camila Tyminski, and Jean Vilus. The students are pictured with VA Boston Healthcare System program directors Michael E. Charness, MD, Chief of Staff, and Professor of Neurology and Associate Dean, BUSM; Cecilia McVey, R.N., M.H.A., Associate Director for Patient Care Services; and program coordinators Charles Kerr, RN., and Ekta Srinivasa, R.N.
Military Education Program Commissioning Ceremonies
May 2016
Boston, MA
Participants in BU’s Military Education Program received commissions into their respective branches of the United States Armed Forces in May. Ceremonies for Air Force ROTC and Army ROTC were held at The Great Hall at Faneuil Hall, while the Navy ROTC ceremony took place aboard the USS Constitution. We congratulate the newly commissioned officers and thank them for their service!
Gulf War Anniversary Event
April 9, 2016
VA Boston Healthcare Jamaica Plain campus
Boston University joined with the VA Boston Healthcare System to host a thank you event for Veterans on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Gulf War. The event highlighted a quarter century of research conducted at BU and the VA related to Gulf War Illness and also included summaries of ongoing and upcoming studies. Read more.
“Our Changing Brain”
March 18-19, 2016
Museum of Science, Boston
The “Our Changing Brain” event at the Museum of Science, which coincided with Brain Injury Awareness Month, brought together local educators and researchers to teach visitors about the many fascinating aspects of brain development and health. Director of the Center for Military and Post Deployment Health, Anna Hohler, MD, organized a team of BUSM students to volunteer at the event, which also included a panel discussion with Drs. Hohler, Terence Keane, Robert Stern, and Jennifer Vasterling, . Read more.