Selection Factors


To identify, select, and recruit students who are likely to excel academically, engage vigorously in the life of our campus, enhance the diversity of our school community, and contribute generously to our society in the care of patients, in the conduct of medical research, and in the advancement of the public’s health.


The Admissions Committee conducts a comprehensive, flexible, holistic review of all applicants. This review focuses on each individual applicant’s talents, accomplishments, experiences, and potential to contribute to the learning community; drawing upon information from:

  1. Academic record
  2. Experiences in research, service, the clinical arena, work, teaching, etc.
  3. Life history and context throughout the application
  4. Recommendations
  5. Essays
  6. Interview

We have thousands of amazing applicants, and each has a unique story to tell.  We want to know your motivations for a career in medicine and to understand how you’ve grown and get a feel for what you have dedicated to the pursuit of your passions. We select and recruit students who are diverse in numerous ways, including but not limited to their educational, social, cultural, linguistic, economic, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and in their life experience.


Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine affirms its longstanding commitment to recruiting and training a diverse physician workforce.  A diverse student body is consistent with the history and mission of Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and is a core educational imperative of the institution for a number of reasons, including the following:

  • The ability to understand the impact and value of a patient’s culture is a key element of physician competence and is best taught by life experience, rather than as an abstract object of study
  • Working and learning with a group of people with a variety of different backgrounds and experiences promotes understanding and contributes to the breakdown of stereotypes and biases
  • A diverse student body promotes a rich, lively, enlightened discussion and a more nuanced understanding of the practice of medicine
  • Diverse leadership in medicine is critical to progress in healthcare and in society as a whole
  • A diverse student body will contribute to a diverse physician workforce, supporting improvements in access to health care for vulnerable populations and a reduction in racial and ethnic disparities in health status.

In our application and admissions processes, the word “diversity” is broadly construed, and can include geographic factors, socioeconomic status, disability, educational and childhood experiences, immigration experiences, and cultural and religious traditions.  We believe that applicants who have experiences beyond what is typical for medical school applicants bring a particular value to their class and to their patients.  We hope that applicants will share their extra-ordinary experiences with us in their applications.

Applicants with Disabilities

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 2010, Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine makes no pre-admission inquiry regarding disability. Students with disabilities applying to medical school will be expected to meet all admission standards, with accommodations if necessary. Graduates of medical schools must have the knowledge and skills to function in a broad variety of clinical situations and to render a wide spectrum of patient care. Prospective candidates must be capable of meeting certain minimum technical standards with or without accommodation that will allow students to perform all the duties required of a physician. All students are expected to participate in the full curriculum, and to achieve proficiency in all curricular areas, regardless of their career goals.

Additional information is available through the Disability and Access Services.

2024 Entering Class Profile

  • 108 Four-Year MD
  • 4 MD-PhD
  • 6 Early Medical School Selection Program (EMSSP)
  • 16 Seven-Year BA-MD Program
  • 6 Modular Medical Integrated Curriculum (MMEDIC)
  • 140 Total Class
  • 14%  Underrepresented in Medicine
  • 59% Women
  • 26 States
  • 34+ Hold Masters degrees
  • Range in age 20 – 34
  • 68 Undergraduate universities
  • 86% Bilingual
  • 17 Birth Countries
  •  8 Resident Countries


Mean 3.74 517
Median 3.82 517
10th – 90th%* 3.43 – 3.98 512 – 522
83% – 99%

*over 3 years of matriculated student data