How We Can Help
The Professionalism Resource Service (PRS) aims to meet the evident needs of medical students, residents, faculty, nurses, administrators, and staff, and address the requirements for professionalism education of the LCME, ACGME, and the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine. We assist in the resolution of conflicts or other professionalism incidents when they arise, and we aid in establishing and maintaining an environment conducive to learning with mutual respect for all.
Internal Resources
The ways in which we can help include:
- Meeting with individuals, groups, departments in a variety of forums, including:
- Workshops
- Grand rounds
- Directly addressing lapses in professionalism
- Teaching resources (e.g., syllabi)
- Conflict resolution
- One-on-one coaching
- Speakers’ bureau
- Database of relevant articles/literature
- Additional information/education
External Resources
An important aspect of professionalism is the way in which we interact with each other. The Center for Professionalism at the Baylor University School of Medicine has produced a brief video providing insight on how your words and behavior can affect those with whom you work. Watch the video.