2/27/19 LCME Update

The LCME accreditation site visitors have left after a thorough three-day assessment!  The LCME team congratulated us for our “emphasis on education with a unified mission, the collegiality and integration of the faculty, our attention to detail and a well-organized visit.”

While their findings are subject to change by the LCME Parent Committee, the site visitors identified only a few areas we can improve. We will continue to address student debt, monitor our learning environment, and enhance inter-professional collaboration.

I would like to thank all of the students, faculty, deans, chairs, and administrators who have been involved in this four-year process – especially those who spent weekends and evenings preparing the materials and the 220 individuals who prepped and met with the site visitors.

Particular thanks to:

  • Deborah Vaughan, PhD, Faculty Accreditation Lead, for shepherding us through the process;
  • Vanesa Pliura, Dean’s Office;
  • Tom Moore, who chaired our LCME Task Force;
  • Rebecca Halley, Staff Accreditation Lead;
  • Caroline Mulligan, Clinical Affiliations;
  • Claire Grimble, CME Office;
  • Lisa Brown and Kathryn Mariano, Communications; and
  • John Barton and the Facilities team for completing major renovations and keeping our campus even more clean and tidy during the visit.

I appreciate the work all of you do every day to make BUSM the best place to learn, teach and discover.