Pathology & Laboratory Medicine News Items – Winter 2019-2020
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine News Items – Winter 2019-2020
- Liz Duffy, MA has been appointed our new Masters Graduate Program Director
- Beverley Orr, MT (ASCP) has accepted the position and role of Operations Director for Pathology & Laboratory Medicine effective Feb 3rd, 2020.
Amanda Araujo, almost MS graduate, gave a presentation in October at the Society for Neuroscience Conference in Chicago, Illinois entitled “Visualization and assessment of stellate ganglia neuronal remodeling in association with myocardial infarction (MI) and coronary artery disease.” Authors: AG Araujo, D. Park, KS Steed, OA Ajijola, K. Shivkumar, A. Mahajan, M. Fishbein, N. Hageman, E. Stack, JJ Wisco
Also for Amanda, the following second paper has been accepted for publication. Bravo Amanda!!: Stephen G. Cieslak, BreAnna Hutchinson, Rajan Adhikari, Kevin S. Steed, Ryan S. Staudte, Parker Cox, Abbey Rasch, Elizabeth Black, Amanda Araujo, Jonathan J. Wisco. “The Effects of L-Cysteine on Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology in APOE2, APOE3 and APOE4 Homogeneous Mice” Journal Brain and Nerves
Amanda, graduating in May, has also recently accepted a position at Massachusetts General Hospital as an Anatomic Pathology Specialist
Daniel Remick, M.D. was an Invited Speaker to give a presentation at the 18th European Shock Society in Crete titled “Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid and Thiamine treatment for sepsis” on October 10th & 11th 2019
Also for Dr. Remick:
- Dr. Remick was a Moderator at the 18th European Shock Society session on Novel Pathomechanisms and Therapeutics in Critical Care, Chania, Greece
- Dr. Remick also participant in the Wiggers-Bernard Workshop on Animal Models of Sepsis
Both Dr. Carmen Sarita-Reyes and Dr. Grace Zhao passed their pathology Continuing Certification (CC) examination
- Dr. Grace Zhao: Continuing Certification (CC) examination in Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology
- Dr. Carmen D. Sarita-Reyes: Continuing Certification (CC) examination in Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology and Pediatric Pathology
Professor Emeritus Hugues Ryser passed away Jan. 24. Dr. Ryser was a member of our department and Professor of Pathology and Pharmacology from 1972-2003. He also held appointments as a Professor of Public Health and Socio-Medical Sciences and Community Medicine, and Biochemistry at BUSM. He was the recipient of the St. George National Award, in recognition of distinguished service for significant impact on the American Cancer Society’s strategic goals and mission-driven programs in 1996. He was also nominated a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Dr. Ryser was born in Switzerland in 1926. He received his Swiss medical degree (1953) and his Dr Med degree (1955) from the University of Bern before working in the Department of Medicine at University Hospital in Lausanne. In 1958 Dr. Ryser moved to Mass General Hospital and then to Harvard Medical School, where he remained for more than 10 years, becoming a faculty member in the Pharmacology Department. He subsequently moved to the Washington/Baltimore area to pursue research in Cell and Molecular Biology and Pharmacology before returning to Boston to become Professor of Pathology and Pharmacology at Boston University School of Medicine in 1972. Dr. Ryser held faculty appointments as well in the Departments of Public Health and Socio-Medical Sciences and Community Medicine (Environmental Health) and in Biochemistry at BUSM. While working here, Dr. Ryser and wife Dr. Carol Ryser (d. 2012), moved to Concord, Mass., where they raised a family and continued to live for the remainder of their lives.
Dr. Ryser was an intellectually curious person. His broad background in medicine, pharmacology, pathology, cell biology and biochemistry led him to explore challenging questions over 50 years of research and teaching resulting in more than 100 peer reviewed articles and abstracts. His later work contributed to elucidating the mechanisms by which HIV is able to enter human cells. Dr. Ryser also served on many national and international organizations committed to improving the quality and breadth of research in the United States. He was a strong supporter of young researchers. As president of the Boston Cancer Research Association he helped provide funding to future cancer researchers in the New England area. He never hesitated to support women in science and medicine, even when this was not common practice. Dr. Ryser was strongly committed to biomedical research and teaching. At the same time, he was a lover of French food and French culture and was a beloved husband, father and grandfather. He will be missed by many at BUMC who knew him well.
- Belkina et al, “Automated optimized parameters for T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding improve visualization and analysis of large datasets”. Nature Communications, 10, 5415 (2019). Covered in the news:
- Mostafa Belghasem, Daniel M Roth , Sean Richards , Marc Arthur Napoleon , Joshua A Walker , Wenqing Yin , Nkiruka Arinze , Chimera Lynn Lyle , Cheryl Anne Spencer , Jean Francis , Cristal Reyna Thompson , Christopher Andry , Stephen A. Whelan , Norman Lee , Katya Ravid , Vipul Chitalia. “Metabolites in a Mouse Cancer Model Enhance Venous Thrombogenicity Through Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Tissue Factor Axis.” Accepted Nov. 5th for publication in BLOOD (Impact factor 16.5)
- Wong CK, Lambert AW, Ozturk S, Papageorgis P, Lopez D, Shen N, Sen Z, Abdolmaleky HM, Győrffy B, Hui F, and Thiagalingam S. 2020. Targeting RICTOR sensitizes SMAD4-negative colon cancer to Irinotecan. Mol. Cancer Res. Jan 13. pii: molcanres.0525.2019. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-19-0525. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:31932471; In the news: