Pathology & Laboratory Medicine News Items – Fall 2019
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine News Items – Fall 2019
- New Faculty Member Dr. Sara Higgins
- We have a new joint NEIDL/Ex+ histotechnologist, Hans Gertje. Dr. Nick Crossland says they are thrilled to have him on board as our histology supervisor as we begin our BSL4 animal experiments at the NEIDL Hans is a graduate of Washington State University with a B.S. in Genetics and Cell Biology. He is an ASCP certified Histotechnologist with five years of industry experience in clinical and research laboratories, with focus on developing companion diagnostic marker assays and multiplex IHC panels. Hans lives in Saugus, MA with his wife and dog, and is expecting a daughter in October. In his free time he enjoys hiking with his family and watching football
- Dr Ivana Delalle will be leaving and joining the Alpert Medical School of Brown University faculty of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine on November 1, 2019 as the Director of Neuropathology at Brown and Lifespan Academic Medical Center, The Miriam and Rhode Island Hospitals. Dr Delalle was a highly valued member of our department and the BMC and BUSM community at large for 15 years. She will remain as adjunct faculty in the department.
- Dr Mostafa Belghasem will be leaving to serve as an Assistant Professor and biomedical science educator and pathology content expert at the Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine in Pasadena CA. Dr Belghasem has been a wonderful, innovative educator, scientist and administrator for our department, he will remain as an adjunct faculty member with us.
We all wish both colleagues good luck and success with their new opportunities
Nancy S. Miller, MD was an invited speaker at two State venues:
- 1) The Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences (9/5; The impact of the opioid crisis on the clinical microbiology laboratory)
- 2) The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (9/11; Postmortem/Forensic Microbiology Update)
Dr. Dennis Jones has been named the Ralph Edwards Career Development Professor:\
Dr. Nicholas Crossland was awarded an NIH Shared Instrument Grant S10D026983-01 entitled “Ventana Discovery Ultra Research Auostainer”. This equipment will be managed by the Ex+ laboratory and offered as a core service. This machine performs an array of highly multiplexed tissue and cell based assays including both chromogenic and fluorescent immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. The success of this proposal reflects a multi-departmental collaboration that includes the following research laboratories in no particular order: Drs. Blusztajn, Chitalia, Remick, Senoo, Sahin-Toth, Jones, Wolozin, Rock, Colpitts, Ikezu, Kramnik, Duprex, Kurosawas, Haydar, Davey, Griffiths, and Mühlberger
Teresa Russell and Elysia Heiling, Masters Students working with Dr. Mostafa Belghasem, both have been selected to participate in the Kidney STARS 2019 trainees program organized by the American Society of Nephrology (ASN). Tersa and Elysia also received a travel grant from ASN to attend Kidney Week 2019
Dr. Ivana Delalle was invited to present a keynote lecture in the Presidential Symposium of the Croatian Neuroscience Meeting, September 12-15, Zadar, Croatia: Her lecture was entitled: “GWAS-identified Alzheimer’s disease risk variants – lessons from neuropathology”
Pathology Resident, Dr. Shoreh Fazeli presented a poster at 31st European Congress of Pathology held in Nice, France on September 11th. Title and authors: “May lesion size impact recognition of biologically aggressive noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features? Meta-analysis”. Israa Laklouk, Shoreh R Fazeli, Reyhan Gedik, Sandra Cerda
Dr. Shoreh Fazeli at the 31st European Congress of Pathology held in Nice, France
Morgan Thompson, MS gave a poster presentation this past weekend: “Consenting Challenges toward Age, Ethnicity, and Co-Morbidity Matching of Cancer Patient and Control Populations at a Diverse Safety Net Hospital”. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Conference for Health Disparities, San Francisco, CA; Sept 20, 2019
Morgan Thompson, MS, at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Conference for Health Disparities, San Francisco, CA
David Sherr, PhD gave a plenary talk at the International Dioxin 2019 meeting in Kyoto, Japan.
Dr. Sherr also recently received an R01 entitled “AHR-mediated immunosuppression in glioblastoma”
- Jain G, Stündl A, Rao P, Berulava T, Pena Centeno T, Kaurani L, Burkhardt S, Delalle I, Kornhuber J, Hüll M, Maier W, Peters O, Esselmann H, Wiltfang J, Mollenhauer B, Maetzler W, Schneider A, Fischer A: A combined miRNA-piRNA signature to detect Alzheimer’s disease. (Accepted for publication in Translational Psychiatry)
- Canter RG, Choi H, Huang W-C, Wang J, Watson LA, Yao CG, Abdurrob F, Bousleiman SM, Young JZ, Bennet DA, Delalle I*, Chung K*, Tsai L-H* (*corresponding authors): 3D Mapping Reveals Network-specific Amyloid Progression and Subcortical Susceptibility. (Accepted for publication in Communications Biology)