Pathology & Laboratory Medicine News Items – May-June 2019
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine News Items – May-June 2019
- New Faculty Member Dr. Zhichun Lu
- New Resident Dr. Kina Ma
- New Resident Dr. Charitha Vadiamudi
- New PhD Students: Guillermo Arroyo and Thomas Bellio, as well as MD/PhD Student Daniel Kirsch
Recent Faculty Promotions:
- Tiffany Mellott, PhD has been appointed to GMS Faculty
- Dr. Sandra Cerda was an invited guest speaker at the Pathology Grand Rounds in Weill Cornell Medicine Pathology Department, New York. My presentation on May 6 was titled; “Predictive value of thyroid malignancy using ThyroSeq V.2 Multigene Next Generation Sequencing Panel Analysis in Thyroid FNAs with Indeterminate Cytology Diagnosis.”
- New Pathology PiBS student Thomas Bellio and MD/PhD student Kelley Andersen had a poster presentation at the American Association of Neuropathologists meeting on June 7 in Atlanta, GA, entitled: ““Activin Receptor-Like Kinase 1 Expression in Hippocampal Arterioles Decreases in Alzheimer’s Disease and Amyloid Angiopathy” Kelley E.T. Anderson*, Thomas A. Bellio*, Stephanie L. Adams, Emily Aniskovich, Jan K. Blusztajn, and Ivana Delalle
- Both Dr. Nitin Marwaha and Dr. Yachana Kataria have been selected for admission into the Faculty Early Career Development Program
- Second Year Masters Student, Amanda Araujo’s abstract was accepted and she will be presenting in October at Society for Neuroscience!! Her abstract title is: “Visualization and Assessment of Stellate Ganglia Neuronal Remodeling in Association with Myocardial Infarction and Coronary Artery Disease”
- Dr. Anna Belkina was invited to present as a plenary speaker at the annual Canadian Cytometry and Microscopy Association meeting (CCMA 2019 Cytometry & Microscopy Symposium). She presented a talk entitled ” Revealing Disease Phenotypes with Computational Analysis of High-Dimensional Flow Cytometry Data” on June 18, 2019. She also conducted a two-hour bootcamp workshop for the symposium attendees entitled: “Right tools for the job, right job for the tools: computational analysis methods for cytometry data”
- Dr. Belkina was also invited by the organizers of the annual ISAC (International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry) international conference to conduct a scientific tutorial at CYTO 2019 conference. The tutorial was presented on June 22, 2019 and entitled: “Best t-SNE on the block: how to achieve a meaningful low-dimensional embedding and interpret it correctly”
- She was asked by the organizers of the annual ISAC (International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry) international conference to present her at at CYTO 2019 conference. Her oral presentation on June 26, 2019 was entitled: “Ditch the ball: automated optimized parameters for t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding improve visualization and allow analysis of large datasets”
- Also Dr. Belkina’s trainee, Riley Pihl, MS has reported the lab’s most recent results at the same meeting in an oral presentation entitled: “Multivariate analyses of high parameter spectral flow cytometry and plasma analyte datasets reveal links between gamma delta T cell subsets and plasma markers of systemic inflammation and/or gut permeability with ART-suppressed HIV infection and healthy aging”. This is Riley’s first oral presentation at a major conference!
- Nitin Marwaha, MD, FASCP has completed the University of Pathology Informatics course of training conducted in joint consideration with ASCP/API
- Dr. Eric Burks has an abstract accepted for an oral presentation at 2019 World Conference on Lung Cancer in Barcelona Spain, September 9, 2019; “Stage I Lung Adenocarcinoma Gene Expression Associated with Aggressive Histologic Features for Guiding Precision Surgery and Therapy”
- Dr. David Sherr recently received 2 new grants, an R21 (1 percentile) and an R01 (2 percentile), on the role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor as an immune checkpoint in oral and brain cancer respectively.
- Dr. Sherr will also be giving a keynote lecture at this week’s Immuno-oncology Pharma Congress in Boston titled “The AHR in Cancer Immuno-metabolism”
- This Year’s Graduation Dinner was held on Tuesday, June 18th at the newly renovated BU Castle:
- Graduating Resident, Dr. Shoreh Fazeli was awarded the coveted Robert Foley Award at this year’s Graduation Dinner
- John Kim, Leen Arnout, Daniel Remick; “Hydrocortisone, Ascorbic Acid and Thiamine (HAT) Therapy Decreases Oxidative Stress, Improves Cardiovascular Function and Improves Survival In Murine Sepsis” Shock
- P. Calner, H. Foss, G. Ruiz-Mercado; N. Miller, C. Andry, L. Battisti, K. Scrudder; F. Shea, A. Chan, E. Schechter-Perkins. HCV Screening, Linkage to Care, and Treatment Patterns at Different Sites Across One Academic Medical Center: Accepted for publication in PLOS ONE
- Yachana Kataria, Israa Laklouk; “Utility of Glucose Levels in Penial Blood Sample to Assess Recurrent Priapism” Journal of Clinical Chemistry
- Ross AE, Bengani LC, Tulsan R, Maidana DE, Salvador-Culla B, Kobashi H, Kolovou PE, Zhai H, Taghizadeh K, Kuang L, Mehta M, Vavvas D, Kohane DS, Ciolino JB: Topical sustained drug delivery to the retina with a drug-eluting contact lens. Biomaterials 2019; (in press)
- Chao Zhao, Andong Liu, Claudia M. Santamaria, Andre Shomorony, Tianjiao Ji, Tuo Wei, Akiva Gordon, Hannes Elofsson, Manisha Mehta, Rong Yang, Daniel S. Kohane; “Polymer-tetrodotoxin conjugates to induce prolonged duration local anesthesia with minimal toxicity.” Nature communications. 12 June 2019
- RamkripaRaghavana Blandine BustamanteHelfrichb Sandra R.Cerdac YuelongJiaIrinaBurdd GuoyingWanga XiumeiHonga LinglingFue ColleenPearsone M.Daniele Fallinf BarryZuckermane XiaobinWangag: “Preterm birth subtypes, placental pathology findings, and risk of neurodevelopmental disabilities during childhood.” Placenta. Now available online: panelRamkripaRaghavanaBlandine BustamanteHelfrichbSandra R.CerdacYuelongJiaIrinaBurddGuoyingWangaXiumeiHongaLinglingFueColleenPearsoneM.Daniele FallinfBarryZuckermaneXiaobinWangag