Pathology & Laboratory Medicine News Items – Winter 2018/2019
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine News Items – Winter 2018/2019
Recent Faculty Promotions
Elizabeth Duffy, MA; Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Carolina Lyon de Ana, a former Pathology Masters student in the lab of Dr. Susan Winandy, published her Masters research as part of a first author publication in The Journal of Immunology! Other authors include Ksenia Arakcheeva, Nicole Derosia (a current Pathology Masters student) and Dr. Parul Agnihotri (a former PhD student). Congratulations to all! Check it out online: Lack of Ikaros deregulates inflammatory gene programs in T cells by Carolina Lyon de Ana, Ksenia Arakcheeva, Parul Agnihotri, Nicole Derosia and Susan Winandy. The Journal of Immunology. 202: 1112-1123. The article was chosen as the Editor-In-Chief’s pick of the issue and will be featured in the “In This Issue” section, which highlights articles considered to be among the top 10% of articles published The Journal. BRAVO Carolina!!!
Dr. Ivana Delalle was invited as one of 9 international speakers at the symposium held in Boston on Nov 28, 2018 “Longwood extracellular vesicle symposium: from science to therapeutics”
Nancy S. Miller, M.D. was an invited speaker at the TriMark Point of Care/Critical Care Conference, October 12, 2017 in Dedham, MA. Dr. Miller will present: “What’s the Point? A Point of View About Point of Care and Diagnostic Microbiology Testing in the U.S.”
Dr. Miller also presented “A point of view about point of care testing for diagnostic microbiology in the U.S.” at the Global Applied Microbiology Conference, October 18-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Miller was an ASM Distinguished Lecturer at the Southern California Branch-American Society for Microbiology, October 27-28, La Jolla, CA. Also at La Jolla, Dr. Miller was invited to a breakout Educators’ Session and presented, “Clinical Microbiology at the Crossroads: A Potpourri of Challenges and Lessons Learned in this Era of Evolving Technology”
Troy Sanders, a MAMS student in the lab of Dr. Susan Winandy, has been accepted into medical school at UCLA. He has also been awarded the prestigious Geffen Scholarship, which will pay for his tuition and room/board. Congratulations Troy!
Dr. Israa Laklouk won the first place resident research award at the USCAP meeting in Vancouver, for her first author abstract: Impact of racial and ethnic differences on the accurate classification of thyroid nodules using ThyroSeq Next-Generation Sequencing. Coauthors are Cecilia Ponchiardi, David Kindelberger, and Sandra Cerda
In Mid-October one of our new Masters Students, Amanda Araujo, attended and presented at the Northeastern Association of Forensic Sciences (NEAFS) conference in Bolton landing, NY. She presented her undergraduate research in forensic biology/DNA titled “Following the Transfer of Touch DNA in Simulated Carjackings”
Nancy S. Miller, M.D. presented an all-day Medical Mycology Workshop at The John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, February 11, Oahu, Hawai’i.
For Dr. Anna Belkina; It’s a # 1 paper in Viral Immunology section (per reads) over last 6 months despite it being online for less than 3 months. She will be talking about this work at a webinar organized by Cytobank on March 20.
Dr. Belkina was also invited to talk at FlowTex 2019 conference at MD Anderson Cancer Center Feb 6-7 as a plenary speaker and have presented a talk entitled “Revealing Disease Phenotypes with Computational Analysis of High-Dimensional Flow Cytometry Data”.
Dr. Dennis Jones was selected to receive pilot funding from the American Cancer Society Pilot Program at the Boston University-Boston Medical Center Cancer Center
Dr. Jones also received a Minority and Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research Award from the American Association for Cancer Research
Nancy S. Miller, M.D. also presented “Clinical Microbiology Update” at Grand Rounds for the Division of Infectious Diseases, December 13th
Dr. Shinichiro Kurosawa has had his service as a member of the Boston University Laboratory Safety Committee extended through 12/31/2020
Liz Duffy, MA has been appointed as a voting member of the Boston University Laboratory Safety Committee effective immediately. The term of her appointment is through 12/31/2021
Dr. Kazem Azadzoi has received a VA Merit Review grant award for his research proposal entitled “Regulation of Detrusor Overactivity by Cellular Stress in Bladder Ischemia”
Timothy Norman, PhD (Alan Fine Lab) successfully defended his Thesis, “Ontogeny and maturation of the lymphatic endothelium in the lung” on Tuesday, February 26th; Bravo Tim!!
Publications ACCEPTED
Conner SC, Benayoun L, Himali JJ, Adams SL, Yang Q, DeCarli C, Beiser A, Seshadri S, and Delalle I: Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase-B3 risk allele implicated in Alzheimer’s disease associates with increased odds for brain infarcts. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Shoreh R. Fazeli,Kamyar R. Giglou ,Mahmoud Soliman, Waleed H. Ezzat, Andrew Salama, Qing Zhao. Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic (Pindborg) Tumor in a Child: A Case Report and Literature Review. Head and Neck Pathology Journal
Reggie Thomasson, MS, MD; International Assessment of Massive Transfusion Protocol Contents and Indications for Activation” was accepted for publication in the journal TRANSFUSION
Publications PUBLISHED:
Wang Y, Liu C-H, Ji T, Mehta M, Wang W, Marino E, Chen J, Kohane DS: Intravenous treatment of choroidal neovascularization by photo-targeted nanoparticles. Nat Commun 2019; (in press)
Yang R, Saarinen R, Okonkwo OS, Hao Y,Mehta M, Kohane DS: Trans-tympanic delivery of local anesthetics for pain in acute otitis media. Mol Pharm 2019; (in press)
Anna C. Belkina1,2, Alina Starchenko3, Katherine A. Drake4, Elizabeth A. Proctor3, Riley M. F. Pihl1, Alex Olson5, Douglas A. Lauffenburger3, Nina Lin5† and Jennifer E. Snyder-Capp: Multivariate Computational Analysis of Gamma Delta T Cell Inhibitory Receptor Signatures Reveals the Divergence of Healthy and ART-Suppressed HIV+ Aging. Frontiers of Immunology, 05 December 2018 PRESS RELEASE:
Latarsha J. Carithers, Rachana Agarwal, Ping Guan, Hana Odeh, Michael C. Sachs, Kelly B. Engel, Sarah R. Greytak, Mary Barcus, Conrado Soria, Chih-Jian (Jason) Lih, P. Mickey Williams, Philip A. Branton, Leslie Sobin, Benjamin Fombonne, Therese Bocklage, Chris Andry,Elizabeth R. Duffy, Gabriel Sica, Rajiv Dhir, Scott Jewell, Nancy Roche, and Helen M. Moore; The Biospecimen Preanalytical Variables Program: A Multiassay Comparison of Effects of Delay to Fixation and Fixation Duration on Nucleic Acid Quality. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Early Online Release