2022 Research Symposium

Welcome to the 14th Annual GSI Research Symposium 
November 17, 2022
11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The Annual GSI Research Symposium is an interdisciplinary event emphasizing research in Genetics and Genomics at Boston University, across both the Medical Campus and the Charles River Campus. Participation is open to all Boston area researchers with interests that emphasize these disciplines.

To view the livestream, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjasClZydNxMep37zmIcZIw 


11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Lightning Talks

Anthony Spinella
Department of Biochemistry, MED
Defining age-associated oncogenic drivers of an immune-evasive tumor population in oral squamous cell carcinoma

Amanda Pinheiro
Department of Biology, CRC
Coordinating metabolism and differentiation through the Dlk1-Dio3 noncoding RNA cluster

Robert Fisher
Department of Dermatology, MED
CoREST promotes alternative splicing in melanoma

Ahmed Youssef
Department of Bioinformatics, MED
Single-cell Deconvolution of Bulk Proteomics

Dr. Stephen Moore
Department of Dermatology, MED
Identification of YAP1 specific enhancers driving ARPC5 expression in melanoma

12:00 p.m. – 12:20 p.m. New Faculty Talks

Dr. Zeba Wunderlich
Department of Biology, CRC
Robustness and evolvability: Transcriptional control in development and immunity

12:20 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Dean’s Address, Lunch & Poster Session

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. New Faculty Talks

Dr. Pawel Przytycki
Department of Computing & Data Sciences, CRC
Integrating large-scale genomics data to decipher the role of noncoding genome in disease

Dr. Angie Serrano
CReM, Vascular Biology Section, MED
KMT2D roles during cardiovascular and neurodevelopment

Dr. Julia TCW
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, MED
Cholesterol and matrisome pathways dysregulated in Alzheimer’s disease brain astrocytes and microglia

Who else will be there?
Vendor Tables: Representatives from companies providing Genetics and Genomics related products and services will present their latest technology.
Please contact gsi@bu.edu with any questions.

Short “Lightening” Talks Presentations for Students/Postdocs/Staff and New BU Genomics/Genetics faculty

Please note there is limited space open for these talks

A select number of abstract submissions from students, postdoctoral fellows and research staff will be chosen for short talk presentations.  If you would like to be a presenter, and you are not interested in being considered for the Grand Sequencing Award, please indicate so on the Submission Form by selecting the appropriate response from the drop down menu.

  • In addition to recognition from the GSI, short talk presentations will also be eligible for an honorarium award.
  • Lightning talks will be 10 minutes in length (including questions).  Invited speakers will have 20 minute talks with 2 min questions.

Poster Session

There will be a poster session for students, both undergraduate and graduate, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty. Participants may be from any institution and not just Boston University.

To present a poster, please fill out the online Submission Form.

  • Students and postdoctoral fellows who present posters will be eligible for sequencing awards.  These awards will be decided by a poster review committee on the day of the symposium.
  • The preferred poster size is 4ft x 4ft. If you would like to request additional space for your poster, please email gsi@bu.edu at least two weeks prior to the symposium.