Olympus Upright

olympus upright
Olympus Upright

Function of the instrument

Fluorescence and bright-field color imaging


The Olympus Upright system is equipped with a color camera for bright-field color imaging (Such as H&E) as well as wide-field fluorescence and spinning disk confocal capabilities.

  • Fluorescence cube are available for DAPI, FITC, Alexa 488, TEXAS red, Alexa 594, Alexa 647, Cy5 and similar indicators.
  • Training involves proper turn on and turn off sequences and learning the operation of the instrument.
  • Training also involves the proper cleaning so as not to damage the optics or other parts of the instrument.
  • Generally, the instructor demonstrates the proper use of the instrument and is available as the user takes over.
  • Depending on the kind of imaging training may be very brief or may take a couple of sessions.

Rules for Booking

  • Each lab can book a maximum of 10 hours of day time use or 15 hours of total use per week on each instrument.
  • This rule does not apply for “Next Day” reservation (booking of time for the coming day).
  • Therefore, frequent users are welcome to fill in the open gaps but they can book these hours only 1 day before the use.

Please use the Cores Equipment Scheduler (CES) for scheduling, pricing and appointment information. For new users click here.

Letters of Support: We are glad to provide letters of support for grants. Please email mkirber@bu.edu. If you give us ample time we would be glad to review sections related to your imaging experiments.

Help us help you.

Grants: The Cellular Imaging Core operates at a loss and is subsidized by the Department of Medicine. What does not get included in the balance sheets are the indirect costs generated from grants obtained with the help of data from our core. You can help us continue to serve you by letting us know when you submit a proposal and/or are awarded a grant which contains data obtained from the use of our Core.

Acknowledgments: We would greatly appreciate it if authors would acknowledge the Cellular Imaging Core in their publications containing data obtained with the equipment and/or assistance of Core personnel.

Location: 670 Albany Street, EBRC Building – Basement B15.


Michael T. Kirber, Ph.D.
Technical Director
Office: (617) 638-7153
Email: mkirber@bu.edu

Cellular Imaging Core