Rachel W. Thompson, MD

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics

Rachel Thompson
88 E. Newton St Vose Hall


Dr. Thompson, MD is a practicing Pediatrician in Boston, MA. Dr. Thompson graduated from Yale School of Medicine in 2004 and has been in practice for 14 years. She completed her residency in Pediatrics in the Boston Combined Residency Program (Boston Children’s Hospital and Boston Medical Center) and a fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital. Dr. Thompson is board certified in Pediatrics and Pediatric Emergency Medicine and works clinically in the Pediatric Emergency Department at Boston Medical Center. She is the director of Fourth Year Medical Student Education and Advising for the Department of Pediatrics and is an Associate Clerkship Director for the Pediatric Core Clerkship.


  • Yale University School of Medicine, MD
  • Harvard University, AB

Classes Taught

  • MEDMS777
  • MEDMS999

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