“They Keep the School Running”

Staff Appreciation Lunch 3

BUSM students hold staff appreciation lunch

BUSM students held a thank you lunch in the Hiebert Lounge on April 1 for BUSM support staff. Organized by SCOMSA, the event was an opportunity for students to express their deep appreciation for the important work of staff at the School.

“Support staff don’t always get the recognition they deserve for their hard work,” said Jaime Stull, second-year medical student and vice chair of SCOMSA. “They keep the School running, and we wanted to take the time to let them know how much we appreciate all that they do.”

“It is very kind of the students to do this for us,” said Jim Munroe, Director of Facilities Operations. “This was a tough winter and some of our staff worked 60-hour weekends. It’s great to know that the students appreciate our work.”