BUSM Faculty Edits Second Edition Clinical Manual of Addiction Psychopharmacology

Ciraulo book web 200BUSM’s Domenic A. Ciraulo, MD, co-edited the recently published Second Edition of the “Clinical Manual of Addiction Psychopharmacology.”

The Second Edition provides a thorough update on the pharmacology of drugs and abuse, as well as the medications used to treat dependence on those substances. This manual delves into the broad range of addictive substances and covers the areas where significant advances have been made since the publication of the first edition.

“This book is an invaluable reference for clinicians, including psychiatrists, psychiatric residents and fellows, as well as other mental health practitioners who encounter individuals with substance-related disorders in the course of their clinical work,” said Dr. Ciraulo. “The material is presented in an organized fashion with the most up-to-date information on psychopharmacology.”

Dr. Ciraulo is the chairman of psychiatry and a professor at BUSM and the chief of the Department of Psychiatry at BMC. He co-edited the manual with Henry R. Kranzler, MD and Leah R. Zindel, RPh, MALS.