LEADS Research Track

The LEADS research track & longitudinal research programs facilitate mentored, research opportunities and training for medical students. Students undertake multi-year research projects with BU faculty guided by a small research advisory committee.

LEADS Research Track

Longitudinal Research

Students are encouraged to engage in research projects that span multiple years. Specific outcomes include enhanced research skills including hypothesis generation, analysis of data, and training in scientific communication. The expectation is that these research projects will result in new knowledge relevant to human health and disease and have a sustained impact on the chosen field.

The Longitudinal Research Program is intended to be flexible. Some students may start in the LEADS-Research track and continue into M3 and M4. Other students may start after the MSSRP. For project continuity, students will usually devote 10-12 hours/week to research and use the research electives in M3 and M4 to engage in research or complete manuscripts. Some students may also choose to complete a research year with the same mentor between M2 and M3, or M3 and M4.

For students engaged in Longitudinal Research, they are encouraged to set up a research advisory committee that meets yearly and participate in the annual Medical Student Research Symposium.

LEADS Research & Longitudinal Research Program Contacts

We are here to support you in your research and are always interested in learning about your research projects. We are currently recruiting a new faculty director for the LEADS research track. In the meantime if you have questions please contact:

  • Matthew Layne, PhD. Assistant Dean of Research. For general questions related the research program
  • Cheryl McSweeney, MD. For questions related the LEADS program
  • Shannon Fisher, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics. For questions related to the MSSRP
  • Ana Gregory, EdM, Administrative Director. For questions related to stipends & schedules.