LEADS Research Track
The LEADS research track & longitudinal research programs facilitate mentored, research opportunities and training for medical students. Students undertake multi-year research projects with BU faculty guided by a small research advisory committee.
LEADS Research Track
The LEADS research track is part of the Learn, Experience, Advocate, Discover, and Serve (LEADS) curriculum. Students are competitively selected for this track in the fall of the first year of medical school. Research track students work with BU faculty mentors on research projects that span the first two years of medical school. Students engage in research during the designated LEADS weeks and outside of LEADS weeks (~10 hours/week); they also participate in the Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP).
Learning Objectives
Each student in the LEADS research track will:
- Develop a research plan (under the direction of a mentor) that includes study aims, research objectives and research approach, and if applicable, a testable hypothesis
- Apply the rules and procedures for performing research with biological systems (human beings or animals or biological samples or biomedical information), education and teaching concepts, or other categories adding to the body of scientific knowledge
- Demonstrate the ability to gather, organize, and protect biomedical information
- Demonstrate proficiency in laboratory and/or data processing skills geared toward generating original scientific results
- Develop scientific writing skills to generate internal reports and ideally peer-reviewed publications
- Develop scientific data presentation skills
Each student in the LEADS research track is expected to:
- Work with a mentor to design and conduct research
- Follow institutional policies for the safe and proper conduct of research (IRB, IACUC, ROHP) as applicable to the project
- Complete common LEADS requirements, LEADS research activities, and participate in the MSSRP.
Components & Timeline
Students in the 1st year of the LEADS research track will:
- Identify a mentor and write a research application that will be reviewed by a committee
- Once accepted in December, students are expected to participate in research with their mentor approximately 10 h/week
- Participate in April 2025 LEADS week
- Participate in LEADS research track overview and Introduction to Experimental Design lecture
- Participate in the MSSRP
- Engage in full-time in-person research for 7 weeks
- Participate in Responsible Conduct of Research RCR workshops
- Participate in workshops on the IRB and presentation skills; attend a clinical scientist career panel
- Present a short research talk
- Write a research progress report at the end of the summer
Students in the 2nd year of the LEADS research track will:
- Continue in research during non-LEADS and LEADS weeks
- Participate in workshop on scientific writing and manuscript preparation
- Assemble a research advisory committee of three faculty members and present research
- Write abstract and present poster at Medical Student Research Symposium
- Write final research progress report
Application Process
Applications for the LEADS Research Track (for class of 2028 students) are open. You may apply here: Medical Student Research Opportunities (MSRO).
- Due date for LEADS Research Track applications (for class of 2028 students): November 18, 2024
- Due date for mentor statements: November 25, 2024.
Student application components:
- Name
- BU email address
- ORCID# (all students must have an ORCID# that is registered with BU – information here)
- Research project details including mentor name, department, type of research, project title, purpose, hypothesis/research question, methods/data collection/analysis, anticipated results
Once the student submits the application, it is automatically routed to the mentor.
Mentor application components:
- Statement of support and additional project information
- Names of co-mentors
- Research project support
- Confirmation of approvals as appropriate (IRB, IACUC, IBC)
- Description of the research resources including space
Applications are not considered complete until both student and mentor components are received.
Evaluation Criteria of Applications
Completed applications are reviewed by faculty members who are part of the Medical Student Research Steering Committee.
Evaluation criteria of student application (updated 8/2024):
- Student: Evidence that the student has established a connection with the mentor (and research team) indicating a commitment to the project. The research questions are logically presented, experiments/data collection methods are appropriate. The project is feasible
- Mentor: Mentor is committed and available to the student. Details of training/mentoring plan. Mentor ensures other research team members are available to train student. Mentor’s track record with trainees, especially medical students
- Resources & Environment: Research team has grant funding (as applicable) to support the project. Designated research space is appropriate for the project
- Other requirements: Application is on time and complete. Mentor approvals in place (IRB, IACUC, IBC). Student will be full-time and in person for summer program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any research areas that are preferred for the LEADS research track?
No, there are no preferred research areas. All areas of research (clinical, translational, basic science, public health, and more) are appropriate for the LEADS research track. What matters most is identifying and working with BU mentors who have active research programs.
Are literature review projects appropriate for the LEADS research track?
While all research projects include reading and capturing the existing literature surrounding the research area, the LEADS research track is designed for generating new research information and projects will not be approved for literature reviews.
I am interested in the LEADS research track but I have other plans for next summer. Can I skip the MSSRP component?
No, participating in the MSSRP is a requirement of the LEADS research track.
I have identified a research mentor who is not a BU faculty member. Can I work with this person for the LEADs research track?
No, your mentor must have a BU faculty appointment. Mentors may be located on the medical campus, Boston Medical Center, or BU Charles River Campus. Some BU faculty are located at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center (SEMC) and the Boston VA.
Can I participate in the LEADS research track (including the MSSRP) remotely?
No, all research must be conducted in-person on the medical campus.
Am I able to switch LEADS tracks if the research track does not work out?
All LEADS tracks include a commitment to the end of second year. If you have problems in your research please contact Matthew Layne, PhD to discuss.
I am interested in the LEADS research track but I have not yet identified I mentor. Can I apply now and identify a mentor later?
No, you must secure a mentor before you apply to the LEADS research track. Your mentor will provide a statement of support in connection to your application.
I have an idea for a research project but have not identified a mentor to work with me on this project. Can I work on this project for the LEADS research track?
Generally students join a research group and contribute to that group’s research. It is not recommended for students to create projects anew on their own.
Am I required to stick with the exact project that I propose in my LEADS research application?
Research plans often change and you are not required to stick with the same project. The direction of the project and research goals are defined by discussions with your mentor.
My research project will not have final IRB approval when I apply for the LEADS research track. Is it OK to apply with a pending IRB?
In order to apply for the LEADS research track your project must have appropriate approvals (IRB, IACUC, or others). A project without approvals may indicate that it is is currently unfeasible. If this is the case, discuss with your mentor other approved projects that you may work on until the IRB is approved and include those details in your application. Small amendments may be appropriate if the mentor describes contingencies in their support statement.
When will I learn if I am accepted into the LEADS research track?
Acceptances to the LEADS research track will be sent to students in December 2024.
Longitudinal Research
Students are encouraged to engage in research projects that span multiple years. Specific outcomes include enhanced research skills including hypothesis generation, analysis of data, and training in scientific communication. The expectation is that these research projects will result in new knowledge relevant to human health and disease and have a sustained impact on the chosen field.
The Longitudinal Research Program is intended to be flexible. Some students may start in the LEADS-Research track and continue into M3 and M4. Other students may start after the MSSRP. For project continuity, students will usually devote 10-12 hours/week to research and use the research electives in M3 and M4 to engage in research or complete manuscripts. Some students may also choose to complete a research year with the same mentor between M2 and M3, or M3 and M4.
For students engaged in Longitudinal Research, they are encouraged to set up a research advisory committee that meets yearly and participate in the annual Medical Student Research Symposium.
LEADS Research & Longitudinal Research Program Contacts
We are here to support you in your research and are always interested in learning about your research projects. We are currently recruiting a new faculty director for the LEADS research track. In the meantime if you have questions please contact:
- Matthew Layne, PhD. Assistant Dean of Research. For general questions related the research program
- Cheryl McSweeney, MD. For questions related the LEADS program
- Shannon Fisher, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics. For questions related to the MSSRP
- Ana Gregory, EdM, Administrative Director. For questions related to stipends & schedules.