Welcome to the BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
Medical Student Research Program

The Medical Student Research Program is dedicated to enhancing research experiences for medical students at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine. This collaborative effort with Research, Medical Education, and Student Affairs Offices is designed to encourage and facilitate outstanding medical student research experiences. To meet the needs of our students, our Medical Student Research Steering Committee meets monthly to discuss the program’s vision, review research outcomes and evaluate student research applications. 

There are numerous opportunities for medical students to perform research at the school of medicine in basic science departments, clinical departments, and specialized centers. Our opportunities include:

As a leading research-focused medical school our scientists are dedicated to identifying new mechanisms of disease and translating these discoveries into therapies that improve human health. Please contact us to learn more about our program. I would be delighted to assist you in your research training.

Matthew D. Layne, PhD
Assistant Dean of Research
Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Cell Biology

August 2024