External Opportunities (anytime)
Medical students may be interested in external research programs and/or funding at any point in their medical school career. See listings below.
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society Carolyn Kuckein Student Research Fellowship
The Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society Carolyn Kuckein Student Research Fellowship offers financial support for research to be conducted either during a continual period of a minimum of 8 to 10 weeks, 30 hours or more per week; or an average of 4 hours per week for 12 months over a period of 1 to 2 years. The research should focus on clinical investigation, basic laboratory research, epidemiology, social science/health services research, leadership, or professionalism.
Our medical school can only nominate 1 applicant each year. If you are interested in applying please contact Dr. Elizabeth Yellen (AOA Councilor) and Dr. Matthew Layne (Assistant Dean of Research) to discuss the internal selection process.
American Society of Hematology HONORS (Hematology Opportunities for the Next Generation of Research Scientists) Award
The American Society of Hematology HONORS Award contributes to the development of the next generation of hematologists by providing research funding for talented first-, second-, and third-year medical students. Applicants may choose to conduct their research over a maximum of three months (during the summer) or over a span of three to 12 months.
American Society of Hematology (ASH) Hematology Inclusion Pathway (HIP) Medical Student Award
American Association for Thoracic Surgery Medical Student Diversity Scholarship
Grants for Emerging Researchers/Clinicians Mentorship Program
Grants for Emerging Researchers/Clinicians Mentorship Program aka the G.E.R.M. Program provides grants to medical students to support a longitudinal, mentored clinical learning and/or research project for up to a year on infectious diseases-related topics, including HIV, under the mentorship of an IDSA or HIVMA member.
William R. Bean Student Research Award