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Charges for IRB Review

BUMC includes a fee for IRB review services in the budget for all industry-sponsored studies that require IRB review. The fees, effective as of July 1, 2021, are shown below.


IRB Administrative Fee (including initial review of cede request)
Initial Review
Initial review of protocol and investigator $2,894
Co-Principal investigator or change of investigator $1,514
Continuing Review
Study renewal review $1,470
Annual review of generic or non-protocol related materials $860
Changes in Research
Change to research – protocol amendment with consent form $726
Change to research – protocol amendment without consent form $448
Change to research – revised consent form $597
Change to research – recruitment/retention materials and other subject related material, additional location, etc. $294
Change to research – review of revised product information (investigator brochure, package insert, Dear Inv. letters, etc.) $397