
ITPIconThe Immunology Training Program is for PhD and MD/PhD candidates who are enrolled in the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences.  In addition to course work, students also must complete laboratory rotations, participate in seminars and journal clubs, pass a qualifying examination, and successfully defend a dissertation based on original laboratory research.

Features of the Program

  • Literature based curriculum, prominent guest speakers, spirited journal club, and extensive hands-on laboratory training.
  • Learn in a highly collaborative environment to build professional relationships for the future.
  • Small class size and extensive faculty interaction provide students with the opportunity to customize their training according to their specific  scientific interests.  Students may choose any of the ITP faculty, independent of department affiliation, for their research training.
  • All PhD and MD-PhD students who are admitted to the program  are automatically considered eligible for full financial aid. Financial aid consists of a stipend, tuition, activity fees and health insurance.

For more information, please see the program overview or contact the Program Administrator, Kathleen Marinelli.