Office Hours

Beginning June 2023, the CRRO will offer weekly office hours over Zoom. 

Office hours are meant for questions or discussions that are relatively brief and do not require review of any document. While the CRRO is always happy to answer questions over email, researchers are recommended to attend the Office Hours when a screen-share function might be useful. Office Hours are also most beneficial when there might be more nuance or specifics to explain than can be easily included in an email but a full consultation isn’t necessary. 

For required reviews of investigator-initiated clinical trials and reviews of IRB applications and documents, a full consultation should be requested

Office Hours Zoom Link
Mondays 4–5pm
To attend the office hours, simply click the Zoom link above. You will be placed into a Waiting Room. The CRRO host will either let you in the meeting space in a few moments or you will receive a message that they are currently meeting with another researcher. If the CRRO is with another researcher, you can remain in the Waiting Room or email us at

Note the following date(s) when Office Hours will not be held: Dec 23, Dec 30, Jan 20

For more information or questions, please contact us at