
Membership Overview

Application for membership in the Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center may be initiated by either a letter of interest from the prospective member or an invitation to apply from a member of the Executive Committee. All individuals seeking membership should submit a brief cover letter and curriculum vitae or biosketch to the Center Administrator.  Membership requests are reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee.  The Center’s approach is to facilitate membership in the Center so as to welcome investigators who identify themselves and their research goals as nutrition or obesity related.  There are five membership categories described below and the Center’s research base is comprised of investigators in category 1 (member) and category 2 (associate member).  In accordance with NIH’s interest in diversity within the biomedical research workforce (see ), the Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center welcomes scientists from diverse backgrounds. 

There are five categories of membership. These are as follows:

  1. Member (PI on federally funded usually NIH grants or strong history of past funding publications and contributions to the field). Includes RO1 and K awardees
  2. Associate Member – Scientist without federal funding as PI; New Investigators (e.g. Asst Prof or Instructor)
  3. Industry Associate
  4. Trainee (Post-doctoral fellows, Graduate Students, Medical Fellows)
  5. Affiliate Members – wishes to be informed of BNORC activities

These categories were identified and defined in order to avoid any potential issues or complications with regards to membership (specifically applications that may be rejected). Membership privileges include but are not limited to the following: 1) Apply for funds and support fellows in an application for pilot funds; 2) Serve on the Center’s Executive Committee; 3) Use core facilities’ technical training and consultation with higher priority; 5) Receive weekly “nutrition and obesity-related seminar list”. Participate in enrichment activities, including seminars and professional meetings sponsored by BNORC.