Enrichment & Events
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BNORC Sponsored/Co-Sponsored Enrichment Offerings
Upcoming BNORC Offerings
Adipose Seminar Series sponsored by the Adipose Tissue Biology and Nutrient Metabolism Core (ABM)
Meets select Tuesdays at 10:00 AM
Location: 72 E Concord St, BUSM, Evans Building, 1st Floor, Wilkins Board Room
Obesity Journal Club co-sponsored by Enrichment Program of the Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center
Tuesdays from 12:00-1:00PM
Location: M&V 240, Tufts (Health Sciences Campus, 136 Harrison Ave)
The Obesity Journal Club meets twice a month during the academic year to review papers published in biomedical journals that relate to obesity in population settings.
Please contact Katherine M. Rancaño, MS to be added to the club distribution list.
Other BNORC Programs
The Center sponsors an annual half-day symposia that includes a plenary session and poster session (contingent on venue). The plenary session is organized around a current topic that is of interest to the research community and includes talks in each of the following areas: (1) basic science, (2) epidemiological studies (including genetic epidemiology), and (3) clinical or translational investigation.
Click here to join the symposium.
Webinars sponsored by Enrichment Program of the Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center
One-hour webinar designed to provide tools to create an effective discussion guide for interviews.
One-hour webinar on conducting focus groups and key informant groups with children, and covers the major issues to consider, including different strategies to use for different ages.
Click here to view the recording of the Webinar held on April 27, 2020.
Workshops (held at TUSM) sponsored by Enrichment Program of the Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center
Full-day workshop on moderating focus groups
Half-day workshop on qualitative data analysis
Two-hour workshop on conducting key informant interviews.
The Spring Obesity Working Group meeting will be on Tuesday, March 22 from 3:00-5:00pm.
An agenda will be sent closer to the date.
Location: TBD
Other Enrichment Offerings
Monday Nutrition Seminar Series, Department of Nutrition, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Tufts – HNRCA Monday Seminar Series
23rd Annual Conference Frontiers in Diabetes Research: Neural Control of Metabolic Homeostasis
Saturday, November 20, 2021 from 10:00AM – 3:15PM EST
Location: Remote via Zoom
Click here to register.
NORC Sponsored
Nutrition Obesity Research Centers Initiative to Advance the Careers of Researchers from Groups Underrepresented in Academia (URiA)
The Nutrition Obesity Research Centers (NORCs), supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), launched an initiative to identify the barriers and challenges to success of scientists from URiA groups and to identify actionable strategies to overcome these challenges. The goal was to provide specific recommendations to improve equity and inclusion for the NORCs, NORC-associated institutional leadership, and scientific societies such as the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) and The Obesity Society (TOS). The initiative was delivered virtually with an agenda consisting of presentations by leading experts, followed by small group discussions. Speakers identified challenges, solutions, opportunities, and future needs for successful recruitment, retention, and advancement for researchers from groups underrepresented in academia. All sessions were recorded and widely distributed through NORCs, NIDDK, the American Society of Nutrition, The Obesity Society, and other interested groups. Please see the link below for the schedule of sessions and the recording of each session.