3/30/23 Grand Rounds

Digital Mental Health Beyond Telehealth: Balancing Access and Quality


John Torous, MD, MBI
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Co-Leader, Neurosciences Connection Translational Research Hub,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

As the use of telepsychiatry in mental health via video/phone visits soars, it is important to also consider how asynchronous telepsychiatry tools like smartphone apps can also advance care. This talk will focus on the evolving field of smartphone digital phenotyping and consider the potential of real-time data capture via smartphones, methods necessary to analyze such data, and practical clinical applications of these tools. Looking at the evolving smartphone mental health ecosystem, the talk will also cover the topic of app evaluation and supporting research for making informed choices related to smartphone apps for use in research or patient care.

Learning Objectives:
    1. Assess which digital phenotyping data streams could be most useful in helping understand your patients’ clinical trajectories and list three risks and benefits of this method of data collection.
    2. List the four stages of the APA app evaluation framework in order of use.
    3. Discuss how to guide a patient through informed decision making in using a mental health-related smartphone app.