Lesson Instructions

X-ray section comprises a section of radiographs that builds on the previous section, so we recommend that you do these sections in order.

Hands & Wrist sections are also an introduction to reading radiographs in general, so we recommend you review this set before the others.

Most slides ask a question or set of questions – answer these questions in your own mind prior to clicking the “more” button on the bottom right, which will give you a hint or the answer. If the “more” button is present, then there are more point to open up on the slide. When the “more” button disappears, then you have reviewed all the material on that slide and should click “next” to progress to the next slide.

Upon completion of lessons please provide us with feedback here

About Dr. Burt Sack

Over his lifetime, Dr. Burt Sack had taught radiograph interpretation to over 80 rheumatologists trained at Boston University, Boston City Hospital and Boston Medical Center. For 40 years, he collected radiographs of his patients, and patients presented to him on rounds, conferences and visiting professorships. His meticulous attention allowed Dr. Sack to catalog and tailor these images into a comprehensive series of interactive lectures spanning all joints in the human body (and the occasional canine), with a focus on rheumatic disease but including elements of overlap with orthopedics and pediatrics.  Dr. Sack's teaching thus impacted the care of the countless patients treated by his many trainees.