Simulation Center
Our cutting-edge simulation center complements resident and medical student education by providing an immersive environment where skills are developed and evaluated. Simulation technology is used to train residents how to respond under a variety of clinical scenarios, including unexpected catastrophic events in the operating room. Our state-of-the-art medical simulation center provides risk free, hands-on, realistic training for faculty, residents and students.
The simulation center has three compartments: a simulated operating room, a control room and an observation/debriefing area. There are one way mirrors for unobtrusive observation. The Center employs a variety of Adult and Pediatric Laerdal equipment (SimMan) and a dedicated anesthesia machine. Additionally, there are hemodynamic monitors, video recorders and video playback capabilities.
Activities in the simulation center are integrated with the teaching curriculum. Simulation exercises provide an opportunity to refine techniques in anesthesiology, apply knowledge gained in the classroom and develop crisis-management skills on a regular basis.