Residency Program

Mission Statement:
The Department of Anesthesiology, an essential component of Boston Medical Center, is dedicated to providing superlative care for its patients and outstanding education to its faculty, residents and students in a fiscally responsible and academically stimulating environment. We strive to recruit a diverse group of physicians and teach them how to move mountains to provide exceptional care without exception.
Aims Statement:
The aims of our anesthesia residency program reflect the mission and values of the Department of Anesthesiology. We strive to recruit a diverse group of trainees who choose our program because we provide unmatched clinical anesthesia training in a supportive and collaborative environment. Upon graduation, our trainees pursue fellowship training at prestigious programs, assume faculty positions in academic anesthesia departments, or enter private practice. Many of our trainees have become nationally and globally recognized leaders in the field of anesthesiology. Boston Medical Center is the largest safety-net hospital in New England and has programs that address the needs of many marginalized and high risk populations including refugees, transgender persons, and those suffering from substance use disorder. Our residents are trained to provide culturally sensitive and compassionate care to all. Our patient population unfortunately suffers from multiple co-morbidities not often seen in more economically secure communities. This increased disease burden provides unique learning opportunities for our residents and faculty. Our residents assume steadily increasing clinical responsibility throughout their training and graduate able to meet all ACGME Milestones.
Mark Norris, MD
Clinical Professor
Residency Program Director
Click here to view the bio of Mark Norris
Christopher Conley, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Associate Residency Program Director
Melissa Nadler, MD
Assistant Professor
Assistant Residency Program Director
Jessica Kwan, MD
Assistant Professor
Assistant Residency Program Director
Click here to view the bio of Jessica Kwan
Comments from our residents
“Dr. Achu is one of the best attendings I’ve ever worked with, gives situational autonomy and allows for growth. She, also does an amazing job at teaching according to our different levels. Love working with her!”
“Dr. Canelli is a phenomenal teacher who is able to breakdown complex and abstract concepts into real-world examples incorporating their physiologic basis.”
“Dr. Conley has been an excellent mentor. He has always shown compassion and dedication to the residency program.”
“Dr. Kwan is a great role model for senior residents. She teaches us to be grounded as we progress through residency. Amazing teacher and mentor.”
“Dr. Mustafa is great to work with especially in traumas or other emergencies. Very knowledgeable and clearly enjoys teaching residents.”
“Dr. Louca is always very knowledgeable and a calming presence in the OR during an emergency. He is always eager to teach and take part in patient care and does a great job of verbalizing his thought process.”
“I always enjoy working with Dr. Merrell. I always feel very safe working with her. She’s always willing to try new techniques and always gives the right amount of space for graduated independence.”
“Dr. Nozari is a superior educator and researcher. The levity he brings to otherwise serious cases to calm patients and staff alike is refreshing. It’s obvious that he cares about supporting residents in any way that he can.”
Welcome to Our Residency Program
A Message from Residency Program Director, Mark Norris, MD
Tour Our Facilities
Get to Know Our Program
Welcome to the Boston Medical Center Anesthesia Residency Program. At BMC, we train residents to become outstanding clinical anesthesiologists who provide exceptional care without exception to patients from all walks of life from all around the world. Because BMC is the largest safety net hospital in New England, our residents learn first-hand about the complex relationships among race, gender, socioeconomic status and health. This environment allows us to offer one of the most comprehensive anesthesiology training programs in the country. Our graduates are well equipped to provide complete perioperative care for healthy or sick patients of all ages for any type of surgical or invasive procedure. Our residency also provides a solid foundation for those who plan to pursue advanced training. Follow the link below to learn more about Anesthesiology training at BMC.
Over the years our residents have progressed their careers in many prestigious locations around the country.
For more information on our residency program please contact:
Elizabeth Colston, Residency Program Coordinator
P | 617-638-6975
E |
We look forward to hearing from you!