Conference Descriptions:
Antibiotic Management Rounds – informal meetings with the fellows to discuss antibiotic management issues. These small group meetings provide a forum to discuss applied principles of antibiotic usage, quality assurance, and performance improvement.
Frequency: Every 2 weeks, alternating with Microbiology plate rounds; Mondays 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Microbiology Plate Rounds (Working Plate Rounds and Teaching Rounds) – microbiology plate rounds provide a forum for teaching and clinical correlation, and opportunities to understand diagnostic laboratory algorithms, see microbial culture and microscopic morphology, and share information about current cases.
Frequency: Every 2 weeks, alternating with Antibiotic Management Rounds; Mondays 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
CID Lecture – this conference provides updates on a broad spectrum of topics in infectious diseases, particularly those commonly managed in the outpatient setting. Topics include HIV, hepatitis, travel medicine, and STDs. The summer sessions are aimed at providing new trainees with a review of basic topics in HIV care.
Frequency: weekly; Wednesdays 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Clinical Case Conference and Case Forum – a joint adult and pediatric ID conference. For the first part of the conference, fellows provide a formal case presentation, identify a clinical or research question the case has raised, and present a review of relevant literature. Fellows choose the case and topic for discussion in collaboration with an attending physician. This is followed by an informal forum to discuss active cases on the consultation service to take advantage of the collective wisdom of faculty and fellows. Discussion focuses on differential diagnosis, management, and issues of quality improvement and professionalism.
Frequency: weekly; Friday, 1:05pm – 2:30pm
Core Lecture Series – Core Lecture Series –A lecture series to provide a curriculum on a broad range of topics in infectious diseases over a two-year cycle. Those topics are central to proficiency in the practice of infectious diseases as determined by the ABIM recommendations.
Frequency: weekly, Tuesdays 8:00am – 9:00am
Fellow-Director Meetings – monthly meetings which serve as a mechanism for feedback about the program, educational experience, updates on scholarly projects, and any areas of concern in the clinic or clinical service that have arisen. This collaborative discussion seeks to identify opportunities for improvement.
Frequency: every 4th Thursday of month 8:00am – 9:00am
Journal Club – a monthly meeting attended by fellows and faculty during which literature is reviewed and discussed. The discussion is led each month by a designated fellow and faculty member.
Frequency: 4th Thursday of month 12:00pm – 1:00pm
ID Grand Rounds – this conference is focused on basic, clinical and/or translational research relating to a broad range of infectious disease topics, with an emphasis on relationship to clinical management. Invited speakers are local, national and international experts on infectious diseases, immunology, and microbiology.
Frequency: 2nd Thursday of month 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Research in Progress – Research in Progress –ID faculty and senior fellows present their current research projects or grant proposals. The conference provides an overview of active research being conducted within the Section. It also allows for a lively discussion of different research hypotheses and approaches, providing feedback to the presenter and instruction for trainees on critical thinking.
Frequency: 4th Thursday of month 12:00pm – 1:00pm