Rhoda Au, PhD

Rhoda Au

Principal Investigator and Director of Neuropsychology, FHS-BAP Co-leader Admin Core, Participant Engagement and Clinical Core

Dr. Au is using technologies to develop and validate digital cognitive biomarkers. She also seeks to facilitate development of a multi-sensory brain health monitoring platform that is customizable, flexibly responsive to the rapidly changing technology landscape, technology agnostic, and scalable. Further, she has a priority objective of transitioning from reliance on active engagement technologies to low/no engagement ones and developing methods for identifying and validating novel digital biomarkers. Her long-term objective is to enable solutions that move the primary focus of health technologies from precision medicine to a broader emphasis on precision brain health. Dr. Au leads the digital strategy for BU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and is also faculty at the BU CTE Center.

Read Rhoda’s bio on the BU School of Medicine website